Siegfried Sorge (Admiral)

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Siegfried Sorge (born July 10, 1898 in Halberstadt , † September 13, 1989 in Bad Godesberg ) was a German naval officer , most recently rear admiral in World War II .


Sorge joined the Imperial Navy on July 4, 1916, during the First World War, as a volunteer with a candidate for a career as a naval officer . At the end of the war he was a lieutenant at sea and officer on watch on the torpedo boat S 113 with the XII. Torpedo boat flotilla. After the armistice he was given leave of absence until the end of April 1919. Then Sorge was active as a company commander in the Loewenfeld naval brigade until the end of May 1920 . Then again briefly on leave and taken over into the Reichsmarine on June 20, 1920 , he first came to the ship tribe of the small cruiser Medusa and was then used as an officer on watch on the ship from July 17, 1920 to September 24, 1922. In the further course of his military career, Sorge served from May 1938 to December 1939 as a navigation officer on the battleship Gneisenau and then during the Second World War until the end of March 1943 as chief of staff at the staff of the 2nd Admiral of the Baltic Sea . With his promotion to Rear Admiral on April 1, 1943, he received the appointment of II Admiral of the Baltic Sea. In the last year of the war, from January 16, 1945, Sorge acted as commandant of the West Prussian naval defense and fortress commandant of Gotenhafen / Hela . As such, he was taken prisoner by the Soviets , from which he was released on April 24, 1950.

After his release, he got involved in the CDU-affiliated German Democratic Action DDA and the Free Voting Association FWG.


In several, revised his book was published , the naval officer as a leader and educator , a counselor for young officers of the Navy for leadership .

  • The naval officer as a guide and educator . Mittler, Berlin 1937, DNB  576459100 .


  • Dermot Bradley (eds.), Hans H. Hildebrand, Ernest Henriot: Germany's Admirals 1849-1945. The military careers of naval, engineering, medical, weapons and administrative officers with admiral rank. Volume 3: P-Z. Biblio Publishing House. Osnabrück 1990. ISBN 3-7648-1700-3 . Pp. 345-346.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Election campaign: propaganda concern . In: Der Spiegel . No. 39 , 1960, pp. 28-29 ( online ).
  2. Green lists: intervene actively . In: Der Spiegel . No. 28 , 1978, p. 55-56 ( online ).