Sigrid Kupetz

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Sigrid Kupetz (born April 26, 1926 in Schneeberg as Sigrid Wagner ; † January 24, 2017 in Hofgeismar ) was a German designer and university professor .


Sigrid Wagner, married Kupetz grew up in a family that had long lived in Schneeberg as miners and craftsmen. Her father was one of the first to find another job. She was shaped in her childhood by getting to know the handicrafts of the Ore Mountains. From their generation there were several artists who later became active, such as their brother Johannes, known as the painter Hannes H. Wagner and their cousin Jochen Seidel , also a painter.

In 1946 she first studied at the Berlin-Weißensee School of Art , then moved to the West Berlin University of the Arts (today UdK) in 1947 to study painting, graphics, textile design and art education. First she passed an art teacher exam in 1951, and an exam for textile design in 1953. The thoroughness of her training was of great benefit to her later in her work as a designer. She worked as an art teacher in Berlin for 3 years until she became a freelance designer in Geislingen an der Steige in 1956 . She had already worked as a designer in previous years. In the meantime she married Günter Kupetz . Together with other designers, both belonged to the pioneers of German design and early members of the Association of Industrial Designers.

From 1956 both worked at WMF . There Sigrid Kupetz designed metal and glass products, designed decorations and patterns. Their glass vases were shown at the world exhibition in Brussels .

In 1961 S. Kupetz was permanently employed at WMF and was most recently head of a design studio. In 1974/75 she received a guest professorship at the GH Kassel and in 1976 a call to the professorship Fundamentals of Product Design at the GH Kassel, which she filled until 1991. At times she was dean. After her retirement as professor, several books on cultural history were created, another facet of her extensive work. While still at the university, she worked on several projects on this subject with her students, such as the Halle (Saale) project in 1990, in order to trace the history of the unrenovated urban structure. The more than 1000 photos for this project are now in the city archive of the city of Halle (Saale).


There are many designs by Sigrid Kupetz for WMF for cutlery, table utensils, glasses. So she was often involved in exhibitions such as B. on the design of European cutlery.

Works by her can be found in the Deutsche Fotothek, where WMF's product photographs are digitized from the holdings of the historical photo collection of the German Design Council and the German Design Museum.


Because of her services to research into Hessian cultural history, she was accepted as an honorary member of the "Hessian Academy for Research and Planning in Rural Areas - Vademecum".


  • Worthwhile detours , 12 travel routes in the border triangle of North Hesse, East Westphalia and South Lower Saxony: settlements, monasteries, churches, castles, palaces from 1200 years of history in the Upper Weser region by Sigrid Kupetz von Schäfer, Bernhard (Hardcover - April 1, 2003)
  • 900 years of wall paintings Vault paintings and parapet paintings in German churches and monasteries  : With text contributions by Peter Königfeld , Vera Leuschner, Sigrid Kupetz, published by Bernhard Schäfer, (Hardcover - May 29, 2008)
  • Life in the Ore Mountains : Stories and diverse memories of childhood around 1900 in Schneeberg-Neustädtel based on Hugo Wagner's diary, edited by Sigrid Kupetz, published by Bernhard Schäfer
  • Karlshafen houses - more than just beautiful facades : of the plan and reality of a baroque urban complex and of life in it over the course of time, Kupetz, Sigrid, published by Bernhard Schäfer 2000

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Obituary Prof. Sigrid Kupetz (1926-2017)
  2. Wolfgang-Otto Bauer: European Cutlery Design 1945-2000 / European Cutlery Design 1945-2000. Bauer design collection, ISBN 978-3-89790-246-6 .
  3. ^ Sigrid Kupetz
  4. Ms. Prof. retired Sigrid KUPETZ, Bad Karlshafen, appointed on March 18, 1997 for the field of visual communication via