Simplicial homology

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In algebraic topology , a branch of mathematics , simplicial homology is a method that assigns a sequence of Abelian groups to any simplicial complex . Vividly speaking, it counts the holes of different dimensions in the underlying space.

Simplicial complexes

A simplicial complex is a set of simplices (clearly determined by their corner points) , so that each side face of one of the simplices is again in this set. Simple examples are polygons and polyhedra . According to a theorem of topology , one can triangulate every differentiable manifold, i.e. understand it as a simplicial complex (SK).

Simplicial homology

For a simplicial complex we consider for the free Abelian group over the set of -simplices of the simplicial complex .

Elements of are thus formal sums of form

with and a simplex of . It is required that the following applies if the simplices and have the opposite orientation.

The "edge map" maps each simplex to the alternating sum of its side surfaces, that is

where means that it is left out. The alternating sign factors can also be interpreted as "geometric orientation numbers".

This edge mapping, which is defined on the generators , continues through linear continuation

clearly proceeded to a figure . It's easy to calculate that

applies. so is a chain complex .

The homology of this chain complex is called the simplicial homology of and is denoted by.


Calculation example


We want to calculate the homology groups of the triangle (consisting of three 0-simplices and the three connecting 1-simplices, no 2-simplex and no higher-dimensional simplices).

According to the definition of the boundary operator , then:

d. H. all 0 chains are in the core.

For a 1 chain is

From this you get


a 0-chain belongs to the picture of if and only if


so exactly when . It follows

To calculate the first homology group: For a 1 chain

is if and only if , so

Because there is no 2-simplices, core and picture are trivial . With this we get:

and trivially for everyone .

Further examples

The following apply:

  • Is the simplicial complex that triangulates the triangle with content. That means the complex as above, only with the addition of the 2-simplex. Then it arises
  • For the 2-torus is valid and for .
  • The same applies to the Klein bottle and to .
  • It applies and for all .
  • Let it be a simplicial complex with connected components .


Simplicial illustrations

A simplicial mapping induces a chain mapping


and because of a well-defined mapping


Continuous images


a continuous mapping between the geometric realizations of two simplicial complexes and . We denote with the barycentric subdivision of and with the -fold iterated barycentric subdivision. It applies .

According to the simplicial approximation theorem, there is a , so that a simplicial approximation


Then it will be

defined as the connection of with canonical isomorphism . One can show that the homomorphism defined in this way is independent of the choice of simplicial approximation.

Simplicial homology with coefficients

For an Abelian group and a simplicial complex one defines


Elements of are thus formal sums of the form with and a simplex in . The boundary operator continues with


The homology with coefficients in G

is defined as the homology of the chain complex .

Simplicial versus Singular Homology

The simplicial homology of a simplicial complex is isomorphic to the singular homology of its geometric realization:



  • Stocker, Ralph; Zieschang, Heiner: Algebraic Topology. An introduction. 2nd Edition. Math guides. BG Teubner, Stuttgart, 1994. ISBN 3-519-12226-X .