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Sithon is a king of Thrace in Greek mythology . He resided in Chersonese and the Sithonia landscape is said to be named after him.

Life 1

Sithon was a son of Poseidon , whom he fathered with Ossa .

With the nymph Mendeis from Mendes , Sithon had a daughter named Pallene , who was sought after by beauty. Sithon only wanted to give her as a wife to him who would overcome him in fighting. As a result, Merops , king of Anthemusia and Periphetes , king of Mygdonia , among others , died. As his strength waned with age, the suitors were to fight among themselves and the victor was to receive Pallene and his kingdom. Clitus and Dryas went to battle under these conditions. In Benjamin Hederich's Thorough Mythological Lexicon of 1770 it goes on to say: " Alone, the clitus had won the Pallene inclination very well; and she was full of restlessness because of the outcome of this fight, but she did not dare to open her heart to anyone Hofmeister Presyntes took them out and bade them be of good courage. He bribed the Drya's stable-master not to put any nails or bolts in his chariot. So its wheels went off in the middle of the battle, and Dryas fell to the ground where his clitus was When Sithon got behind the whole thing, he had the Dryas put up a considerable pile of wood, and condemned his daughter for being laid on it herself. This would have happened if it had not been for a heavy rain and Venus for him Night would have appeared, which Pallene took care of and appeased the Thracians. "

Sithus gave his daughter Klitus in marriage. He was his successor as king after his death. His daughter Phyllis , attributed to him by some researchers and storytellers, was married to Demophon of Athens .

Life 2

After Pierer's Universal-Lexikon of 1863 Sithos was the son of Poseidon , king of the odomanti or Thracian Chersonesos or Thracian district Sithonia . " He became through Mendeïs or Anchirrhoe , a daughter of the Nile, father of Pallene, which he promised to the one who would overcome him in the wrestling. Klitos and Dryas won and now they should be given to the one who would defeat the other in the race. Pallene loved the Klitos and arranged for the servant of Dryas to easily assemble his master's chariot. The chariot broke apart and Dryas was killed in the process. Pallene and Klitos now married and ruled Thracia. "

Sithon is said to have been killed by Dionysus .

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Karl Wilhelm Ramler: Brief Mythology or Doctrine of the Gods and Heroes of the ... Greeks ... , Verlag Rücker, 1833, page 26