Sodom (book)

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Sodom. Power, homosexuality and double standards in the Vatican is a book by Frédéric Martel , that the publisher Robert Laffont , translated published in French in eight languages and was released in February 2019 simultaneously in 20 countries.


Based on a series of allegedly consistent testimonies from 41 cardinals, 52 bishops and 45 apostolic nuncios, the book aims to lift part of the “veil” within the Roman Catholic Church that prevails as a secular taboo.

The author argues that an overwhelming majority of priests and bishops in the Vatican - many of whom paradoxically made virulent homophobic speeches - are themselves exposed to homosexual attractions, which they continue to condemn. In a broader sense, the homophilic impulses of these clergymen would be secretly satisfied or, conversely, their carnal desires would be sublimated by a state of pseudo-ascetic abstinence .

Television interviews

  • Ali Baddou: Vatican et homosexualité: l'enquête choc . In: France 5 (ed.): C l'hebdo . February 23, 2019 (French, [VIDEO]).
Related guest: Alain Finkielkraut
  • Xavier Lambrechts: Sodoma , le livre sur l'homosexualité dans l'Église catholique qui scandalise le Vatican . In: TV5 Monde Info (Ed.): Grand Angle . February 22, 2019 (French, [VIDEO]).
  • Yann Barthès: Invité: Frédéric Martel pour “Sodoma, enquête au cœur du Vatican” . In: TMC (Ed.): Quotidien . February 14, 2019 (French, [VIDEO]).
  • Alexis Favre: Sexual scandals, the law of silence: the church bankrupt? Cardinals convicted of pedophilia cases. Nuns who break the silence and denounce the sometimes organized abuses that priests make them prey to . In: Radio Télévision Suisse (ed.): Infrarouge . March 20, 2019 ( [VIDEO] French: Scandales sexuels, loi du silence: l'Église en faillite? Des cardinaux condamnés dans des affaires de pédophilie. Des religieuses qui rompent le silence et dénoncent les abus, parfois organisés, dont elles sont victimes de la part de prêtres .).
Targeted intervention on the content of the book “Sodom. Power, homosexuality and double standards in the Vatican ” by Frédéric Martel , cf. Timing 33:57 to 40:00.
Guests: Charles Morerod , Bishop of the dioceses of Lausanne, Geneva and Friborg ; Claire Jonard, coordinator of the Center romand des vocations ; Bernard Litzler, Head of Cath-Info ; Christine Pedotti, director of Témoignage chrétien , journalist, author, author of Qu'avez-vous fait de Jésus? (Éditions Albin Michel, January 2019); Frédéric Martel , journalist, sociologist, author of Sodoma: Enquête au cœur du Vatican [“Sodom. Power, homosexuality and double standards in the Vatican ”] (Verlag Robert Laffont, February 2019); Michel Kocher, director of Médias-pro (Office protestant des médias).

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Frédéric Martel : Sodom. Power, homosexuality and double standards in the Vatican . Ed .: S. Fischer Verlag . Frankfurt am Main 2019, DNB  1184418381 , OCLC 1099689030 (Original title: Sodoma: Enquête au cœur du Vatican . Translated by Katja Hald, Elsbeth Ranke, Eva Scharenberg & Anne Thomas). 608 pages
    “A captivating report from the heart of the Vatican: the French journalist Frédéric Martel describes how Catholic priests, cardinals and bishops defend rigid, homophobic sexual morality. Though most of them are homosexual themselves. Why this double standard? Why is there so stubborn silence, why is there intrigue against Pope Francis, the first Pope who wants to loosen homophobic positions? Behind this is a global circle of power of homosexual priests and dignitaries who call themselves the "community". They prevent any liberalization in order to protect their double life: whether it is about condoms, same-sex marriage or the most important bastion: celibacy. Silence about sexual abuse is also part of this system. A book with which Martel has been rewriting the history of the Vatican since the 1970s. It shows the pontificate of John Paul II, Benedict XVI. and Francis in a completely different light. "(Publisher's text)
  2. ^ Frédéric Martel : Sodoma: Enquête au cœur du Vatican . Ed .: Editions de Noyelles - Editions Robert Laffont. Paris 2019, OCLC 1088417918 (French).
  3. ^ Frédéric Martel: Sodoma: Poder y escándalo en el Vaticano . Ed .: Roca Editorial. Barcelona 2019, OCLC 1069711659 (Spanish, original title: Sodoma: Enquête au cœur du Vatican . Translated by Juan Vivanco y Maria Pons).
  4. Bloomsbury Continuum (ed.): In the closet of The Vatican: power, homosexuality, hypocrisy . London; New York 2019, LCCN  2019-393197 (English).
  5. ^ A b Andrew Brown: In the Closet of the Vatican: Power, Homosexuality, Hypocrisy by Frédéric Martel - review . In: The Guardian . March 3, 2019 (English, ).
  6. ^ Harriet Sherwood: Four in five Vatican priests are gay, book claims . In: The Guardian . February 14, 2019 (English, ).
  7. Sascha Lehnartz: “Inside gay, outside homophobic” . In: The world . February 24, 2019 ( ).
  8. Stephanie Gengotti: Ex-Vatican Escort: "Maybe I did some priests a favor with the outing": With his outing of numerous priests, Francesco Mangiacapra caused a solid sex scandal in the church. In an interview with the star, he now asserts that he will not lead a crusade against gay priests . In: Stern . No. March 14 , 2018 ( ).
  9. Sex in the Vatican: Callboy out 40 Catholic priests . In: Stern . March 28, 2018 ( [VIDEO]).
  10. Pierrick Geais: Les confidences de l'escort boy qui fait trembler le Vatican: Auteur d'un livre-choc, Francesco Mangiacapra est le gigolo le plus célèbre d'Italie. Fin février, il a rendu public un dossier contenant les noms d'une quarantaine de ses clients réguliers: des prêtres essentiellement et quelques séminaristes. Après l'affaire des Vatileaks in 2012, le Saint-Siège se retrouve une nouvelle fois confronté à ses vieux demons . In: Vanity Fair . March 8, 2018 (French, ).
  11. Jump up Marion Bothorel: Ce qu'il faut retenir de Sodoma , le livre qui lève le voile sur l'homosexualité dans l'Église . In: France Télévisions (ed.): France Info . February 22, 2019 (French, ).
  12. Cécile Chambraud: Sodoma explore la place de l'homosexualité au cœur du Vatican . In: Le Monde . February 14, 2019 (French, ).
  13. ^ France Culture (ed.): Église et homosexualité: les lourds secrets du Vatican . (French, [AUDIO]).
  14. ^ Stéphane Baillargeon: "Sodoma" documente l'homosexualité de la hiérarchie catholique . In: Le Devoir . February 21, 2019 (French, ).