Sofia Falkovitch

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Sofia Falkovitch, October 2014.

Sofia Falkovitch (born about 1980 in Moscow ) is a in Paris living Cantor ( mezzo-soprano ). She is a member of the European Cantors Association and the first woman to be trained as a synagogue cantor in Germany. Her repertoire spans the baroque , classical , romantic and contemporary compositions, with improvisation playing a very important and special role in the Chasanut. She currently has concerts and cantor assignments across Europe, appears at various public events and is the first female cantor in Luxembourg .


Sofia Falkovitch grew up in Moscow and Berlin in an artistic family. As a child, she was passionate about the Yiddish song, with whose culture she was familiar from an early age. During her stays in Germany and Canada she devoted herself continuously to the study of music, the fine arts and journalism and participated regularly in concerts and international festivals. She has a classical vocal training and shows a broad musical interest.

Sofia Falkovitch received singing lessons from Reine Décarie, Madeleine Thériault, Marina Levitt, Penina Schwartz and Verena Rein, among others, and took part in numerous master classes. She is particularly valued for her unmistakable timbre, creativity and charisma.

As part of her training as a cantor as a scholarship holder of the ELES gifted support organization , she spent a year at the School of Sacred Music at the Hebrew Union College and the Steinsaltz Institute in Jerusalem . She is a graduate of the Abraham Geiger College in Berlin at the University of Potsdam and wrote her master's thesis on Samuel Naumbourg and his influence on synagogue music. Her ordination motto is: “The woman's voice is nudity - Kol beischa erva” ( Babylonian Talmud , Tractate Berachot 24a).

She already went on tour with her program "Desert Rituals". As an actress, she took part in numerous productions, including the Russian-language theater production Franzuskie Strasti , as well as other projects of the theater "O!" In Montreal, Canada . In addition, she presented the cultural television program “Russian Hour” and worked as a journalist for RTVi Overseas Media in New York . She had and still has cantor assignments and concerts in Israel , including in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv , Modiin and Haifa .

Sofia Falkovitch is married and has two children. She speaks Russian, German, French, English, Hebrew, Spanish and Yiddish .


DVD cover.

Sofia Falkovitch was accompanied by the camera for two years and in 2014 the documentary “Di Shtim iz di Feder fun Hartsen” (“The voice is the feather of the heart”) by Julia Poliak, Puppok Productions, was co-produced with from the University of Television and Film Munich . A CD entitled Chants Hébraïques et chants d'amour was released in 2017 by Calliope Records with works by Bizet, Fauré, Rimski-Korsakov and Ravel and was recorded together with the Les Illuminations chamber orchestra under the direction of Gabriel Bourgoin.


Web links

Commons : Sofia Falkovitch  - Collection of Images