Sokari Douglas Camp

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Sokari Douglas Camp (* 1958 in Buguma , Nigeria ) is a Nigerian sculptor .


From 1979 to 1980 Sokari Douglas Camp attended the California College of Arts and Crafts in Oakland , USA , then from 1980 to 1983 the Central School of Art and Design in London and finally from 1983 to 1986 the London Royal College of Art , where she earned an MA in sculpture. After graduation, her exhibits were shown in numerous exhibitions in England, the USA and Germany.

The central theme of Sokari Douglas Camp " is their original homeland Nigeria. Their metal sculptures, which refer directly to the mask and disguise rituals of African tribes, describe a kind of communication process of cultural traditions and religious values ​​with current cultural and political contexts in the western world"

Festival for Neptune

Festival for Neptune

The sculpture Fest für Neptun by Sokari Douglas Camp can be seen in the outdoor facilities of Deutsche Welle in Bonn . Neptune is made of welded steel elements and is overloaded with ornaments. The position of his legs and body gives the impression of walking through water. Fish cavort at his feet. The most striking thing about the figure is its headdress: a large wreath of feathers with a net and a long flag ribbon, plus a bird / fish made of shimmering blue glass that just seems to land on its head.


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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Sokari Douglas Camp. From the TAZ of February 25, 2004, accessed on April 8, 2015 .