Sun International

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Sun International
legal form Organization for development cooperation
founding 2002
founder Erfried Malle
Seat Vienna
motto For the children of this world
main emphasis Fight poverty through education, health, income generation and awareness programs
method Promotion of educational projects of local organizations, basic basic service programs, support through self-help programs
Action space Ethiopia, Bangladesh, India, Myanmar

Sun International ( S upport O rganization For N on-formal N eeded E ducation) is an association founded in 2002 with headquarters in Vienna . The aid organization supports training programs, medical care and rural development projects in Africa and Asia. The main focus of activity is on the education and training of young disadvantaged people.

The focus countries are Ethiopia , Bangladesh , India and Myanmar . Sonne International has been the bearer of the Austrian seal of approval for donations since 2006 , and donations to Sonne International have been tax-deductible since 2009.

Chairman and founder is Erfried Malle, who built the organization together with the doctor Susanne Prügger. In 2011, Malle was named “Austrian of the Year for Humanitarian Commitment” for his commitment at the ORF Press Gala Austria'11.

The association currently operates 68 schools and 4 day care centers for children and young people in all four priority countries, in which around 7,000 students are trained. In total, about 35,000 people per year are reached with the projects of Sonne International (status May 2015).

Mission statement

The association works for a world in which everyone has access to education, training, clean water, healthy food, medical care and income. With this approach, the association wants to reduce poverty and sustainably improve the living conditions of disadvantaged people in order to give them the chance of a self-determined life.


Erfried Malle and Susanne Prügger's “vision” of helping disadvantaged and impoverished people in the slums of Bangladesh was put into practice in 2002 with the foundation of Sonne International in Vienna. Promoting sustainable and independent development has been the guiding principle of the association from the start. The first project implementation was the construction of a medical ambulance in a poor neighborhood in Bangladesh. A craft training center for young people in Dhaka followed in 2003, and a year later ten schools were built in remote villages in Bangladesh, on the border with Myanmar. In the following years, the regional areas of activity were expanded to include Ethiopia and Myanmar. Since 2009, Sonne International has been officially registered in Bangladesh as an international non-governmental organization under the name "Sonne International Bangladesh". Registered as a local NGO in Myanmar since 2015 under the name "Sonne Social Organization".

Strategy and project focus

The association pursues a holistic approach that focuses on the entire life situation of young people and disadvantaged social groups. The aim of Sonne International is to set up and support local structures that deal with educational and training activities and aim to lead a self-determined life through an independent income. All projects are carried out in cooperation with local partner organizations and branches of Sonne International. This guarantees independence, sustainability and the necessity of all activities.

Four main project areas
  1. Strengthening the basis of life: health projects, water supply, basic supplies, disaster relief
  2. Literacy, education: primary education, informal and alternative education, sponsorships for school children
  3. Craft training and income generation
  4. Educational work: promotion of women and democracy, hygiene and health education, educational advice, fight against female genital mutilation (FGM)

Sun projects worldwide


The organization has been running projects in the Afar region since 2005 . The cooperation takes place with the local partner organization Afar Pastoralist Development Association, whose primary target group are the semi-nomadic pastoralists . The project focuses on education (mobile literacy, informal schooling and further education for gifted pupils), health (basic medical care, help for expectant mothers), education (hygiene, female genital mutilation ) and water supply (water storage, well construction). The project areas are located in zones 3 and 4 in the districts (woredas) Gawaani , Guula , Uwwa , Awra and Chifra .


Bangladesh is the first country in which the association was active with its own projects (2002). The organization is registered as an international NGO in Bangladesh and employs over 80 local staff in the country. The coordination office set up in Dhaka is responsible for handling all local projects. The project areas are in the Chittagong Hill Tracts and in the Sherpur region . Children and young people from ethnic minorities and disadvantaged groups are among the main target group. With the concept of many small village schools, children who live in regions far away get a chance to get an education. The organization has been running eleven village elementary schools in the Chittagong Hilltracts since 2004, eight more in the Sherpur / Jhenaigati district since 2008 and a school home in the Bandarbarn / Alikadam district since 2009 . In 2015 a secondary school was built in Alikadam and one in Jhenaigati. All students have received basic medical care since 2014. Craft training centers for marginalized young people (especially women) have been opened at both locations, offering tailoring, weaving and computer training.


Since 2012 the association has been involved in educational projects in the state of Bihar , in the Gaya district at the three locations Bakrour, Sujata and Basari. In 2012, a school project initiated by the Austrian doctor Fridolin Stögermayer in 1999 was taken over in Bakrour. For the first time in this area children - from the lowest caste ( Dalits ) - receive an education. Since then, the organization has been looking after and expanding this school project continuously. In the project area, Sonne International has been offering an extensive sports program for 270 students since October 2014. Self-defense courses ( karate ) - especially for girls - are intended to make a significant contribution to conflict prevention and against sexual harassment and assault.


The association has been active in Myanmar since 2008 , where it works with a local team on site. In 2015 the local NGO SONNE-Social Organization (SSO) was officially founded in Myanmar. The project regions include Yangon and the surrounding area, the Ayeyarwaddy delta region and the Chin State . Sonne International supports projects from local partner organizations. The focus of all projects is on education, training, medical care and the integration of ethnic minority groups and fringe groups. Since 2008 there has been a day care center for street children, where children receive a daily meal, medical care, care and training free of charge. In several training facilities, marginalized young people receive craft training to generate income in the areas of tailoring, basket weaving, bicycle repairs and computer training. In the village of Nga Pyaw Kyaun (NPK village), the organization built and operates a school for 420 village children. A medical emergency fund enables all beneficiaries to receive basic medical care.

Funding and funding

The independent association is financed through cooperation with private companies, companies, foundations, sponsors, public sponsors, sponsorships, membership fees and private donations. Project sponsors either take on the basic or co-financing of a project. Implementation can only be made possible when the financial support is given. Donations in money have been tax deductible in Austria and Germany since January 1st, 2009.


NGO of the year 2005

Sonne International was awarded 3rd place in the selection for "NGO of the year 2005" by Glocalist.

Donation seal of approval

The organization has been awarded the seal of approval for donations since 2006 .

Woman Award 2010

In 2010, Susanne Prügger, co-founder of the association, received the “Woman Award” from the Austrian magazine WOMEN in the “International Social Commitment” category.

Austrian of the year 2011

On October 26, 2011, during the ORF Press Gala Austria'11, the chairman of Sonne International Erfried Malle was named “Austrian of the Year” for humanitarian commitment.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Education is the basis in the Niederösterreichische Nachrichten week 44/2011