Sunday Karseen

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Sunday Kar
The Sonntagskar with the two lakes, from the Trattensee (towards Waldhorn and behind it on the left the Zischken massif).

The Sonntagskar with the two lakes, from the Trattensee (towards Waldhorn and behind it on the left the Zischken massif).

location near Schladming , Styria
Waters Riesachbach
Mountains Schladminger Tauern
Geographical location 47 ° 17 ′ 55 "  N , 13 ° 49 ′ 25"  E Coordinates: 47 ° 17 ′ 55 "  N , 13 ° 49 ′ 25"  E
Sonntagskarseen (Styria)
Sunday Karseen
height 2290  m
particularities Lake group, Klafferkessel nature reserve
Template: Infobox Glacier / Maintenance / Image description missing

The Sonntagskar lakes are several mountain lakes in the Sonntagskar , a valley in the Schladminger Tauern in Untertal south of Schladming .

The Kartal lies at the foot of the Waldhorn  ( 2708  m above sea level ) and Gnasen  ( 2461  m above sea level ) and forms the end of the Riesachbach valley .

The mountain lakes are located in a former glacier floor, the Untere Sonntagskarsee at 1962  m above sea level. A. and the Obere Sonntagskarsee at 2062  m above sea level. A. , as well as various paints. The cirque is closed by a waterfall.

Together with the Trattensee cirque on the Schareck  ( 2062  m above sea level ) to the north, the kettle belongs to the Klafferkessel nature reserve in the Schladminger Tauern , with this group of lakes to the west.

The path leads through the Sonntagskar from the Preintalerhütte over the Rettingscharte to the Schwabalm on the Schwarzensee in the upper Sölktal .

Web links

Commons : Unterer Sonntagskarsee  - Collection of images, videos and audio files
Commons : Oberer Sonntagskarsee  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Passage Preintalerhütte - Sonntagskarseen - Rettingscharte - Schwarzensee - Breitlahnhütte. Preintalerhütte (