List of power plants in the Czech Republic

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The power plants in the Czech Republic are shown both on a map and in tables (with key figures). The list is not complete.

Installed capacity and annual production

In 2016, the Czech Republic was 40th in the world in terms of installed capacity with 21.63  GW and 38th in the world for annual generation with 77.39 billion  kWh . The degree of electrification was 100% in 2016. The Czech Republic was a net exporter of electricity in 2016; it exported 24.79 billion kWh and imported 13.82 billion kWh.


Caloric power plants

Name of the power plant Inst. Power (MW) fuel status
Chvaletice 800 Brown coal in operation
Dětmarovice 800 Hard coal in operation
Hodonin 95 Brown coal in operation
Kladno I. 516 Brown coal in operation
Komořany 237 Brown coal in operation
Ledvice 330 Brown coal in operation
Mělník 1,072 Brown coal in operation
Opatovice 363 coal in operation
Počerady 1,000 Brown coal in operation
Poříčí 165 Brown coal in operation
Prunéřov 1,490 Brown coal in operation
Tisová 296 Brown coal in operation
Trmice 469 coal in operation
Tušimice 800 Brown coal in operation
Vřesová 370 natural gas in operation
  1. a b c d e It is a thermal power station .

Nuclear power plants

In 2011 nuclear energy accounted for 33 percent of total electricity generation; According to the IAEA , the proportion is currently 34.5% (as of December 2019).

List of nuclear power plants in the Czech Republic (source: IAEA, as of December 2019)
Surname block
Reactor type VVER model status Net
in MW
in MW
start of building First network
Switching off
in in TWh
Dukovany 1 DWR 440/213 In operation 468 500 1979-01-01 01/01/1979 1985-02-24 02/24/1985 1985-05-03 05/03/1985 - 101.63
2 DWR 440/213 In operation 471 500 1979-01-01 01/01/1979 1986-01-30 01/30/1986 1986-03-21 03/21/1986 - 97.99
3 DWR 440/213 In operation 468 500 1979-03-01 03/01/1979 1986-11-14 11/14/1986 1986-12-20 December 20, 1986 - 96.12
4th DWR 440/213 In operation 471 500 1979-03-01 03/01/1979 1987-06-11 06/11/1987 1987-07-19 07/19/1987 - 96.97
Temelín 1 DWR 1000/320 In operation 1026 1080 1987-02-01 02/01/1987 2000-12-21 December 21, 2000 2002-06-10 06/10/2002 - 101.30
2 DWR 1000/320 In operation 1026 1080 1987-02-01 02/01/1987 2002-12-29 12/29/2002 2003-04-18 04/18/2003 - 96.30
3 and 4 DWR 1000/320 Construction stopped on March 1, 1990 892 972 1985-01-01 01/01/1985 - - - -

Hydropower plants

The table only lists hydropower plants with an installed capacity> 10 MW.

Name of the power plant Inst. Power (MW) flow status
Dalešice 450 Jihlava in operation
Dlouhé stráně 650 Desná in operation
Kamýk 48 Moldova in operation
Lipno I 120 Moldova in operation
Nechranice 10 Eger in operation
Slapy 144 Moldova in operation
Štěchovice 67.5 Moldova in operation
Vrané 13.88 Moldova in operation
Vranov 16.2 Thaya in operation
  1. a b c It is a pumped storage power plant .

Wind farms

At the end of 2013, wind turbines with an installed capacity of 269 MW were in operation in the Czech Republic . According to The Wind Power , wind turbines with a total output of 334 MW were recorded at the end of 2018 (in operation, under construction or planned).

Web links

Commons : Power plants in the Czech Republic  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ The World Factbook. CIA , accessed December 9, 2019 .
  2. ^ Hodonin Coal CHP Power Plant Czech. Global Energy Observatory, accessed December 10, 2019 .
  3. ^ Kladno CHP Thermal Power Plant Czech. Global Energy Observatory, accessed August 11, 2016 .
  4. Komorany CHP Cioal Power Plant Czech. Global Energy Observatory, accessed December 10, 2019 .
  5. ^ Ledvice Coal Power Plant Czech. Global Energy Observatory, accessed August 11, 2016 .
  6. ^ Opatovice CHP Coal Power Plant Czech. Global Energy Observatory, accessed August 11, 2016 .
  7. Porici Coal Power Plant Czech. Global Energy Observatory, accessed December 10, 2019 .
  8. Tisova CHP Coal Power Plant Czech. Global Energy Observatory, accessed December 10, 2019 .
  9. ^ Trmice. ČEZ , accessed on December 10, 2019 (English).
  10. Vresova CCGT Power Plant Czech Republic. Global Energy Observatory, accessed August 11, 2016 .
  11. Nuclear Energy World Report 2011 (PDF 0.5 MB) atw - International Journal for Nuclear Power, p. 273 , accessed on December 9, 2019 .
  12. Czech Republic. IAEA , accessed December 9, 2019 .
  13. Wind in power 2013 European statistics. (PDF; 1.1 MB p. 4) The European Wind Energy Association (EWEA), February 2014, accessed on August 1, 2016 (English).
  14. Online access> Countries> Czech Republic. The Wind Power, accessed December 9, 2019 .