List of power plants in Switzerland

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The power plants in Switzerland are shown both on a map and in tables (with key figures). The list is not complete.

Installed capacity and annual production

In 2016, Switzerland was 42nd in terms of installed capacity with 20.84  GW and in 50th place in the world for annual generation with 59.01 billion kWh . The degree of electrification was 100% in 2016. Switzerland was a net importer of electricity in 2016; it exported 30.17 billion kWh and imported 34.1 billion kWh.


Caloric power plants

Name of the power plant Inst. Power (MW) fuel status
Alstom 315 natural gas in operation
Chavalon 284 Heavy fuel oil shut down
Beznau 40 Heavy oil / heating oil shut down
Neuchâtel 4th shut down

Nuclear power plants

In 2011, nuclear energy accounted for 41 percent of total electricity generation; According to the IAEA , the proportion is currently 37.73% (as of December 2019).

List of nuclear power plants in Switzerland (source: IAEA, as of November 2018)
Surname block
Reactor type model status Net
in MW
in MW
start of building First network
Switching off
in in TWh
Beznau 1 DWR WH 2LP In operation 365 380 1968-09-01 09/01/1965 1969-07-17 09/01/1969 1969-12-09 09/01/1969 - 119.40
2 DWR WH 2LP In operation 365 380 1965-09-01 01/01/1968 1971-10-23 October 23, 1971 1972-03-04 03/04/1972 - 125.74
Gösgen 1 DWR PWR 3 loop In operation 1010 1060 1973-12-01 December 01, 1973 1979-02-02 02/02/1979 1979-11-01 11/01/1979 - 281.37
Leibstadt 1 SWR BWR-6 In operation 1220 1275 1974-01-01 01/01/1974 1984-05-24 05/24/1984 1984-12-15 December 15, 1984 - 265.95
Mühleberg 1 SWR BWR-4 Shut down 373 390 1967-03-01 03/01/1967 1971-07-01 07/01/1971 1972-11-06 11/06/1972 December 20, 2019 116.37

Hydropower plants

There are numerous hydropower plants in Switzerland. Hydropower has a share of 57 percent of total electricity generation. The table lists the hydropower plants with an installed capacity of more than 100 MW.

Name of the power plant Power plant type Inst. Power (MW) River / lake status
Albbruck Dogern Low pressure run-of-river power plant 108 Rhine in operation
Amsteg Low pressure run-of-river power plant 120 Reuss in operation
Birsfelden Low pressure run-of-river power plant 100 Rhine in operation
Blenio Storage power plant system 435 Brenno (river) , Lago di Luzzone , Lago di Carassina, Bacino di Val Malvaglia in operation
Emosson Storage power plant system with pumped storage power plant 162 Lac d'Emosson in operation
Engadine Storage power plant system with pumped storage power plant 408 Inn , Vallember , Lago di Livigno , Lai dad Ova Spin , Ova da Varusch in operation
Etzelwerk pumped storage power plant 140 Sihlsee in operation
Göschenen Storage
power plant medium-pressure run-of-river power plant
160 Göscheneralpsee in operation
Grande Dixence Storage power plant group 1260 Lac des Dix in operation
Gigerwaldsee pumped storage power plant 138 Gigerwaldsee in operation
Grimsel Pumped storage power plant group 1318 Grimselsee , Oberaarsee , Räterichsbodensee in operation
Hinterrhein Pumped storage power plant group 650 Hinterrhein , Averser Rhein , Lago di Lei in operation
Kembs Low pressure run-of-river power plant 171 Rhine in operation
Laufenburg Low pressure run-of-river power plant 106 Rhine in operation
Linth-Limmern Storage power plant system with pumped storage power plant 1439 Limmerensee , Muttsee in operation
Maggia Storage power plant system with pumped storage power plant 600 Maggia , Brenno , Lago del Sambuco , Lago dei Cavagnöö , Lago del Narèt , Lago di Robiei , Lago del Zött in operation
Massa Storage power plant 340 Massa (Rhone) , Gibidum reservoir in operation
Mattmark pumped storage power plant 260 Mattmarksee in operation
Mauvoisin Storage power plant 396 Lac de Mauvoisin in operation
Central Bunds Storage power plant system with run-of-river power plant 226 Lai da Marmorera in operation
Nant de Drance pumped storage power plant 900 Nant de Drance , Lac d'Emosson , Lac du Vieux Emosson , under construction
Rheinfelden (New) Run-of-river power plant 100 Rhine in operation
Ryburg-Schwörstadt Run-of-river power plant 120 Rhine in operation
Verzasca Storage power plant 105 Verzasca in operation
Veytaux pumped storage power plant 480 Lake Geneva , Lac de l'Hongrin in operation
Vorderrhein Storage power plant 331 Lai da Nalps , Lai da Curnera , Lai da Sontga Maria in operation
Wägital pumped storage power plant 108 Wägitalersee in operation
Zervreila Storage power plant system with pumped storage power plant 232 Zervreila Lake in operation

Wind farms

According to The Wind Power , wind turbines with a total output of 75 MW were recorded at the end of 2018 (in operation, under construction or planned). The largest wind farm is the Mont Crosin wind farm operated by BKW Energie in the Jura with 16 turbines.

See also


  1. Power plant with 20% Swiss share because the damming extends beyond the national border to Basel

Web links

Commons : Power plants in Switzerland  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ The World Factbook. CIA , accessed December 15, 2019 .
  2. Alstom Test Center Birr GT Power Plant Switzerland. Global Energy Observatory, accessed November 16, 2016 .
  3. ^ A b Zaugg, Paul / Lang, Norbert: A double gas turbine anniversary and its importance for the region . In: Baden New Years Papers . 1999, doi : 10.5169 / seals-324630 .
  4. THE WORLD'S FIRST INDUSTRIAL GAS TURBINE SET - GT NEUCHÂTEL. (PDF) A Historic Mechanical Engineering Landmark. September 2, 1988. Retrieved May 29, 2017 .
  5. Nuclear Energy World Report 2011 (PDF 0.5 MB) atw - International Journal for Nuclear Power, p. 273 , accessed on December 15, 2019 .
  6. Switzerland. IAEA, accessed November 5, 2018 .
  7. Beznau is no longer the oldest nuclear power plant in the world - how is that suddenly possible? Retrieved January 13, 2020 (Swiss Standard German).
  8. ↑ The decommissioning order for the Mühleberg nuclear power plant is available. BKW Energie , June 21, 2018, accessed on November 7, 2018 .
  9. Hydropower Switzerland: Statistics 2018. Federal Office of Energy (SFOE), accessed on December 15, 2019 .
  10. Online access> Countries> Switzerland. The Wind Power, accessed December 15, 2019 .