Hinterrhein power plants

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Kraftwerke Hinterrhein AG

legal form Corporation
founding 1956
Seat Thusis
management Guido Conrad
sales 70 million CHF (financial year 2014/15)
Branch power supply
Website www.khr.ch

Hinterrhein power plants
Dam of the Lago di Lei
Dam of the Lago di Lei
Hinterrhein power plants (Canton of Graubünden)
Hinterrhein power plants
Coordinates 751 945  /  161 791 coordinates: 46 ° 35 '24 "  N , 9 ° 25' 17"  O ; CH1903:  seven hundred and fifty-one thousand nine hundred forty-five  /  one hundred sixty-one thousand seven hundred ninety-one
country SwitzerlandSwitzerland Switzerland
Waters Hinterrhein , Averser Rhein and tributaries
Type three-stage power plant group with storage , pumped storage and run-of- river power plants
Primary energy water
power (Turbine
output ) Total output :
turbine : 658 MW
- pump: 90 MW

- turbine: 180 MW
- pumps: 90 MW
Bärenburg: 220 MW S)
Sils (KHR) S)
- 50 Hz electricity: 235 MW
- 16.7 Hz electricity: 9.6 MW
Thusis: 4, 6 MW L)
S) storage power
plant L) run-of-river power plant Endowment centers:
Ferrera: 4.4 MW
Sufer: 0.7 MW
Bärenburg: 1.6 MW

Project start 1956
Start of operations Sils: 1960
Ferrara: 1962
Bärenburg: 1962
Thusis: 1968
turbine Central Ferrara :
3 horizontal
Francis turbines
2 vertical feed pumps

Central Bärenburg :
4 vertical Francis turbines
Central Sils :
6 vertical Francis turbines
Central Thusis :
2 horizontal Francis turbines

Energy fed in per year Total: 1475 GWh
Ferrera: 307 GWh
Bärenburg: 491 GWh
Sils: 660 GWh
Thusis: 16 GWh
Website www.khr.ch
was standing 2020

The Kraftwerke Hinterrhein AG , abbreviated KHR , based in Thusis is a three-stage power plant group , which water power in the Upper Rhine Valley and its side valleys in the Swiss canton of Grisons uses.


In the early 20th century, the first construction plans for power plants in the area of ​​the Hinterrhein river system were drawn up. In 1942 the consortium Kraftwerke Hinterrhein (KKH) was established with the aim of realizing storage plants in the Hinterrhein region. The project failed due to political resistance because Splügen and part of Medels would have been flooded. As a result, the reservoir in the Italian Valle di Lei was designed as a head storage . A treaty between Switzerland and Italy in 1949 made it possible to found Kraftwerke Hinterrhein AG in 1956 and start construction in 1957. Construction work lasted six years, and the power plant was gradually put into operation between 1961 and 1963.


Kraftwerke Hinterrhein AG is organized as a partner plant company. The company's shares are owned by the companies involved, none of which own a majority of the shares. They are:


Kraftwerke Hinterrhein AG
Reservoirs and power plants
in the Hinterrhein area
BSicon uexSTR + r.svgBSicon .svg
Version of brooks near Juppa in Averstal
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Version of brooks in the Madris
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Collecting basin Preda 1940  m
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Valle di Lei reservoir 1931  m
BSicon ueABZg + r.svgBSicon .svg
Version Niemetbach
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Averser Rhine
BSicon uSTR.svgBSicon uKDSTxa.svg
Equalization basin Ferrera 1443  m
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Ferrera power station cavern 1407  m
BSicon ueABZg + r.svgBSicon .svg
Version Surettabach
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BSicon uDST.svgBSicon .svg
Sufers reservoir 1400  m
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Version Valtschiel
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Version Fundogn
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Bärenburg power plant center 1060  m
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Bärenburg compensation basin 1060  m
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Pignia version
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Reischen version
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Hinterrhein version Rongellen
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Thusis power plant center
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Outflow to the Hinterrhein
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Power plant center Sils 665  m
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Drain to the Albula

Lake Lei

Map Lago di Lei.png

The Lago di Lei is the uppermost reservoir, the so-called head storage, of the power plant group, which is located on Italian soil except for the dam. The melt water is collected in it in summer so that it is available to drive the turbines in winter when there is peak energy demand. In addition to the natural tributaries, water is also supplied from the Maleggbach, Bacherbach, Jupperbach and the Avers Rhine from the Avers . This water first reaches the Preda catchment basin in Madris, which dams the Madriserrhein. Water from the Blesbach, Pisciabach and Parebach from the Madris also reaches these collecting basins. The collecting basin is connected to Lago di Lei by a five-kilometer tunnel. Water is also pumped from the Sufnersee and from the Ferrera equalization basin through the Ferrera headquarters into the Lago di Lei.

Headquarters Ferrera

The water from Lago di Lei is processed at the Ferrera headquarters. The system is installed in a 143 m long, 29 m wide and 24 m high cavern that is 180 m deep in the mountain. The equipment with three horizontal Francis turbines is unusual despite a gradient of over 500 m, where normally only Pelton turbines are used. The processed water is fed into the Sufner See. The three turbines can also be operated as pumps, so that, on the one hand, water can be pumped from the Ferrera equalization basin above the power plant, but also water from the Sufner lake into the Lago di Lei. In order to pump water from the Sufnersee, two additional pumps installed in the basement of the cavern have to be put into operation, which either feed the water to the Francis turbines or pump it into the equalization basin.


Map Sufnersee.png

The Sufnersee is dammed by an arch dam. Its water can either be processed by the Bärenburg headquarters or transported by the Ferrera headquarters to the Ferrera compensation basin or to Lago di Lei.

Central Bear Castle

Four vertical Francis turbines are installed in the Bärenburg headquarters, with which the water from the Sufnersee is processed. The water is integrated in a gravity dam, which dams the Bärenburg compensation basin and at the same time also supports the switchgear .

Central Sils

The headquarters in Sils processes the water from the Bärenburg compensation basin. There are four vertical-axis Francis turbines with three-phase generators for the generation of 50 Hz national energy, and two Pelton turbines with single-phase generators for the generation of 16.7 Hz traction current for the Rhaetian Railway . The power plant generates around 40% of the power required by the Rhaetian Railway.

Thusis headquarters

This power plant uses the doping water discharged from the Bärenburg headquarters into the river bed of the Hinterrhein in run-of-river power plant operation with two horizontal-axis Francis turbines. It is used to power the surrounding communities.

Switchgear Sils

The electricity generated by the Ferrera and Bärenburg centers is transported to Sils via a 220 kV line. From the switchgear in Sils, the electricity arrives in the greater Zurich area via the 380 kV Sils-Fällanden line .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Entry of "Kraftwerke Hinterrhein AG" in the Graubünden commercial register  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Toter Link / gr.powernet.ch  
  2. Carl Jegher: The Hinterrhein power plants with the Sufers and Rheinwald reservoirs . In: Schweizerische Bauzeitung . tape 121 , no. 17 , April 24, 1943, p. 207–215 , doi : 10.5169 / seals-53084 .
  3. Kraftwerke Hinterrhein AG (fold-out brochure) . 2018 ( longitudinal profile on page 4 [PDF]).