Lai da Curnera

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Lai da Curnera
Lai Curnera Mauer.jpg
Location: canton of Grisons
Tributaries: Rein da Curnera , Rein da Maighels
Drain: In there Curnera
Lai da Curnera (Canton of Graubünden)
Lai da Curnera
Coordinates 697 641  /  164 728 coordinates: 46 ° 37 '36 "  N , 8 ° 42' 49"  O ; CH1903:  six hundred ninety-seven thousand six hundred and forty-one  /  one hundred and sixty-four thousand seven hundred and twenty-eight
Data on the structure
Lock type: Arch dam
Construction time: 1966
Height of the barrier structure : 153 m
Height above the river bed : 136 m
Building volume: 562 000  m³
Crown length: 350 m
Operator: Kraftwerke Vorderrhein AG / Ovra Electrica Rein Anteriur SA
Data on the reservoir
Altitude (at congestion destination ) 1956  m above sea level M.
Water surface 81 ha
Reservoir length 2 km
Storage space 40 800 000  m³
Total storage space : 41 100 000  m³
Catchment area 24.1 km²
Design flood : 160 m³ / s
Map Lai da Curnera.png
Detailed map
Lai Curnera-Südsicht.jpg
Lai da Curnera, looking south

The Lai da Curnera is a reservoir in Val Curnera in the canton of Graubünden in the municipality of Tujetsch . Together with the Lai da Sontga Maria and Lai da Nalps reservoirs in the neighboring valleys, it forms a single water management system connected by pipes.

The nearest town is Tschamut. The lake is about 2.5 km south of it. The lake can be reached via the Oberalp Pass . At the hamlet of Surpalits, a small mountain road branches off towards Lai da Curnera, which is prohibited from driving. A barrier prevents access for unauthorized persons.

In the movie Edge of Tomorrow (2014), the dam serves as a supposed alien hiding place.

Web links

Commons : Lai da Curnera  - collection of images, videos and audio files