Lago del Sambuco

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Lago del Sambuco
Lago del Sambuco
Lago del Sambuco
Location: Ticino
Tributaries: Maggia , various mountain streams
Drain: Maggia
Lago del Sambuco (Canton Ticino)
Lago del Sambuco
Coordinates 693 092  /  146 497 coordinates: 46 ° 27 '48 "  N , 8 ° 39' 2"  O ; CH1903:  693,092  /  one hundred forty-six thousand four hundred and ninety-seven
Data on the structure
Lock type: Arch dam
Construction time: 1956
Height of the barrier structure : 130 m
Height above the river bed : 124 m
Height of the structure crown: 1461  m above sea level M.
Building volume: 775 000  m³
Crown length: 363 m
Operator: Officine idroelettriche della Maggia SA
Data on the reservoir
Water surface 1.11 km²
Reservoir length 3 km
Storage space 62 000 000  m³
Total storage space : 62 900 000  m³
Catchment area 29.75 km²
Design flood : 139 m³ / s
Map Lago del Sambuco.png
Detailed map

The Lago del Sambuco (German lake of the elder ) is a reservoir in the Swiss canton of Ticino . It lies at an altitude of 1461  m above sea level. M. above the village of Fusio at the end of the Val Lavizzara , a side valley of the Valle Maggia . The reservoir, which was created in 1956, is dammed by a 130 m high arch dam, measures 110 m at its deepest point, has a capacity of 63 million cubic meters and covers a water surface of 1.11 square kilometers.


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