Sostratos of Aegina

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Sostratos of Aegina ( Greek  Σώστρατος , Σόστρατος), son of the Laodamas of Aegina , was an incredibly wealthy trader from the time of the Greek colonization .

He is mentioned by Herodotus , who, when speaking of an extremely profitable trade voyage, thinks that nobody else would have made such a profit, except of course Sostratos of Aegina, with whose successes nobody can compare.

It is believed that an Aeginian dedicatory inscription found on an anchor in Gravisca , the port of Etruscan Tarquinii , in 1970

Ἀπο / λόν / ος Αἰ / γινά / τα ἐμ / ί. Σόστ / ρατος / ἐποίε / σε / hο ––
“ I belong to Apollo of Aegina. Sostratos ... let me do it. "

refers to the Sostratos mentioned by Herodotus. It is also believed that the ceramic mark SO ( ΣΟ ), which was found on over 100 pieces of black-figure Attic ceramics, indicates Sostratos or a descendant. All pieces whose origin is known come from Etruria and from the 2nd half of the 6th century BC. Chr.


  • Raimund Schulz : Antiquity and the Sea. Primus, Darmstadt 2005, ISBN 3-89678-256-8 , p. 52.
  • Beat Schweizer: Between Naukratis and Gravisca: Merchants in the Mediterranean region of the 7th and 6th centuries. v. Empórion - port of trade - extra-urban sanctuary: from xenía to emporía . In: Martin Fitzenreiter (ed.): The holy and the goods. On the tension between religion and economy . Berlin 2007, ISBN 978-1-906137-03-8 ( Internet contributions to Egyptology and Sudan archeology 7), pp. 307-324; in detail on the sources, on the problem of identifying the person, on the context of Greek trade history; (PDF; 262 kB).

Individual evidence

  1. Herodotus, Histories 4.152
  2. ^ First publication: Mario Torelli : Il santuario di Hera a Gravisca. In: La Parola del Passato 26, 1971, pp. 55-60. See Oswyn Murray: Early Greece. Munich 1982, p. 278; Astrid Möller : Naukratis: trade in archaic Greece. Oxford 2000, p. 56.
  3. ^ AW Johnston: Trademarks on Greek Vases. Warminster / Wiltshire 1979, p. 80 ff.