Sociology magazine

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Sociology magazine

description Journal of Sociology
Area of ​​Expertise Social sciences
language German
publishing company Barbara Budrich Publishing House
First edition 2008
Frequency of publication twice a year
Editor-in-chief Rotation principle
editor sociology magazine eV
executive Director Claas Pollmanns (chairman of the association); Andreas Schulz (vice chairman); Sarah Kashuba
Web link
ISSN (print)

The Sociology Magazine is a German specialist magazine in the field of sociology , which is aimed primarily at young scientists .

History and present

The sociology magazine e. V., which was founded in 2007 at the 1st Student Sociology Congress, wants to build a bridge between established science and a critical, student perspective. Students and those interested in sociology should be given the opportunity to publish their first articles on young academics. The sociology magazine and sociology blog serve as a platform for this . While articles can be posted on the blog freely and without a selection process, the magazine has a Call4Papers on a key topic. The contributions submitted here are then selected and supervised by the editorial team and the scientific advisory board. The sociology magazine appears as a free eJournal and as print-on-demand . The association has been cooperating with the Barbara Budrich publishing house since October 2012 , which is why the magazine is now being published by VBB. In this context, the editors decided to delete "student" from the name, so that from now on the magazine is only called "sociology magazine". Changes to the content are not accompanied by the name change.

Previous editions

Regular expenses

  1. Sociology - Quo Vadis? (2008)
  2. Community and Society (2009)
  3. Madness and normalcy - or: the completely normal madness? (2010)
  4. FreiRäume (2011)
  5. Death and Dying (1/2012)
  6. Economy - Work - Markets (2/2012)
  7. Sex, gender, diversity and reification - (why) do we need (one) gender? (1/2013)
  8. Crime and social norms - who actually deviates from what? (2/2013)
  9. Crises and upheavals - How are societies changing? (1/2014)
  10. Emotions - How Social Are Our Emotions? (2/2014)
  11. Sociology, reflection, society - what is sociology? (1/2015)
  12. Education, knowledge and elites. Knowledge as capital and resource? (2/2015)
  13. The society of tomorrow: utopias and realities (1/2016)
  14. Violence, power, domination - total society? (2/2016)
  15. Sociology of food - preparation, consumption and distribution in the present and future (1/2017)
  16. Alienation - and from what ?! (2/2017)
  17. Precarious living environments - how far is it down? (1/2018)
  18. Consumption and behavior in post-materialist societies (2/2018)

Special editions

  1. Special issue 1: Social participation: precarity, justice and inequality (2012)
  2. Special Issue 2: Complex New World. Selected contributions from the 3rd Student Sociology Congress 2011 (2012)
  3. Special 3: Welfare Relations. Theoretical and Empirical Views on Care (2018)

Scientific Advisory Board

The scientific advisory board ensures the editorial team's scientific standards. This advisory board includes (2014): Brigitte Aulenbacher , Birgit Blättel-Mink, Ulrich Bröckling , Aldo Haesler , Hubert Knoblauch , Reinhard Kreckel , Diana Lindner, Kurt Mühler , Yvonne Niekrenz, Harald Ritzau, Paula-Irene Villa , Georg Vobruba and Ernst von Kardorff.

editorial staff

The editorial team is subject to greater fluctuation, as the editorial team consists mostly of volunteer students and young scientists. The editor-in-chief is also subject to the rotation principle, in order to relieve members on the one hand and to give all members the opportunity to continue their education on the other. There is also an expanded group of employees.

other activities

The sociology magazine was at the 37th congress of the DGS ( German Society for Sociology ) with the topic "Routines of the Crisis - Crisis of Routines" with an ad hoc group focusing on "Crisis of Communication: Where is the Sociological Discourse?" represented. In March 2017, the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung published an article about student publishing, in which, in addition to the 360 ° magazine and the Aventinus history portal, the sociology magazine was also presented. The sociology magazine also cooperates with other young talent platforms. At the conference “Endangered Constellations. Insecure orders and precarious life ”of the German Young People's Society for Politics and Social Sciences (DNGPS) , an editor of the sociology magazine moderated the panel discussion“ Precarious work (in) the university ”.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. The board of directors. Archived from the original on October 24, 2018 ; Retrieved on October 24, 2018 (The personal details on the original page are continuously updated. The information in the article is based on the archived version.).
  2. Retrieved May 12, 2014 .
  3. Retrieved May 12, 2014 .
  4. Our Call4Papers for the ad hoc group at the DGS Congress 2014 on the topic: “Crisis of Communication: Where's the Sociological Discourse?” In: April 12, 2014, accessed May 18, 2019 .
  5. ^ Lisa Hänel: Student journals - The savior of the final theses. In: March 9, 2017. Retrieved October 29, 2018 .
  6. DNGPS eV: program of the 6th Conference of DNGPS. Retrieved March 29, 2017 .