Sperone Speroni

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Ritratto di Sperone Speroni (1544), Tiziano Vecellio; Treviso Museo Civico Luigi Baldin.

Sperone Speroni , Latin Speronus Speronius (* 1500 in Padua , † 1588 ibid) was an Italian humanist and author .


After studying philosophy and medicine , Speroni taught logic at the University of Padua from 1520 to 1523 , but interrupted this activity to take lessons from Pietro Pomponazzi in Bologna . After his death (1525) he returned to his hometown and worked there for three years as a professor of philosophy. He had to give up this post when his father died in 1528 in order to devote himself to domestic affairs. From 1534 to 1548 he stayed in Venice . As the ambassador of Guidobaldo II della Rovere , Duke of Urbino, to Pope Pius IV , Speroni stayed in Rome from 1560 to 1564 . There he won the respect of several scholars, including Cardinal Charles Borromeo , often attended the meetings of the Accademia delle Notti Vaticane and was made a knight by Pius IV on his departure in 1564. Following another stay in Rome (1573–1578) he returned to Padua, where he lived until the end of his life (1588).

Speroni, who was a member of the Accademia degli Infiammati in Padua , wrote poetry, critical studies on Virgil , Dante Alighieri and Ludovico Ariosto, as well as numerous dialogues on moral and literary topics. The most important of these dialogues was “Delle lingue” (1542), a defense of the vernacular and a plea for the equality of Italian as a poet's language alongside Latin. In this work he followed the ideas of Pietro Bembo and later influenced Joachim du Bellay's “Defense et illustration de la langue française” (1549). His tragedy "Canace" (1546) followed the dramas of Seneca and is based on the saga of Kanake , a figure from Greek mythology .

Sperone Speroni, philosophus patavinus .

Works (selection)

  • Commentary on Aristotelian rhetoric
  • Dialoghi , Venice 1542
  • Canace , tragedy, 1546
  • Dialogue de la dignité des femmes , Lyon 1546
  • Orazioni della prudenza dei Prinzipi (Speeches on the prudence of princes), Venice 1598


  • A. Daniele: Speroni Sperone, Filologia veneta 2, Padua 1989
  • J.-L. Fournel: Les dialogues de Sperone Speroni, libertés de la parole et règles de l'écriture, (Diss.) Marburg 1990.

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