Sphinx (magazine)

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Sphinx ( 1886 - 1896 ) was a magazine that was supposed to convey the theosophical worldview. It was edited in Leipzig and Braunschweig by Wilhelm Huebbe Schleiden and appeared monthly.

The magazine called itself a monthly for the historical and experimental justification of the supersensible worldview on a monistic basis and appeared for the first time in January 1886. Initially it was intended as the publication organ of the Germania Lodge , but was then due to the Hodgson Report and the resulting collapse of the Germania Lodge not published as such, but as a journal of the Munich Psychological Society . Since the year 92/93 it was the official organ of the Theosophical Association from 94 also of the German Theosophical Society . Mainly topics related to metaphysics , mysticism , philosophy and Indian religious studies were published. The appearance corresponded to a scientific journal, but the theosophical worldview was in the foreground in the articles.

The magazine exerted a great influence on some theosophical societies in Germany and also contributed significantly to new foundations. Above all, these were the Theosophical Association, the Esoteric Circle and the merger of these two into the German Theosophical Society.

In addition to Hübbe-Schleiden, employees included Max Dessoir , Franz Hartmann , Carl Kiesewetter and Carl du Prel . From 1891 to 1894 the painter Fidus created numerous illustrations for the Sphinx. Dessoir first published the term parapsychology in The Sphinx in 1889 .

According to Rudolf Tischner , the magazine Neue Metaphysische Rundschau took over from the Sphinx in 1897 , after the last edition appeared in June 1896.


  • Norbert Klatt: Theosophy and Anthroposophy. New aspects of their history from the estate of Wilhelm Hübbe-Schleiden (1846–1916) with a selection of 81 letters. Klatt, Göttingen 1993, ISBN 3-928312-02-2 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Tomas Kaiser: Between Philosophy and Spiritism. (Image-scientific) sources on the life and work of Carl du Prel. Dissertation, University of Lüneburg urn: nbn: de: gbv: luen4-opus-110843 ( full text ), p. 61
  2. According to the title pages of volume 15 and 19 ( Link )