Sports technology

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The Sport Technology is a continuous field of work of both the sport - and the engineering sciences .


Sports technology is used everywhere in sports, be it in the development and manufacture of functional sportswear, sports equipment, diagnostic instruments for checking sports motor performance or software for analyzing sporting activities.

Sub-areas of sports technology


The development of ever better materials and technologies in sport is an international area of ​​interest. For this reason, the first associations were founded in the 1990s to pay more attention to the importance of sports technology in leisure, health and competitive sports.

This is how the Japan Sports Engineering Association (JSEA) and the International Sports Engineering Association (ISEA) came into being, which has been the official organ of Sports Engineering since 1998. In Germany, the German Interdisciplinary Association for Sports Technology (DIVERS), which was founded in 2000, tried to bundle interests from various areas, but is no longer operational. In the umbrella organization of sports science, the German Association for Sports Science (dvs) , you can find sub-areas of sports technology in the biomechanics and sports informatics sections. At the annual meeting of the Sports Informatics Section on September 7, 2018 in Munich, the members unanimously decided to change the name to Sports Informatics and Sports Technology. On the one hand, to give the important area a higher priority within the German Association for Sports Science and, on the other hand, to emphasize the close relationship between the two areas of sports technology and sports informatics.

Sports technology degree

In addition to the founding of sport-technological associations, the German universities also took on the advancing technology in sport and developed special courses for this purpose.

"Sports science with a focus on computer science" at the Technical University of Darmstadt was the first course in 1993/1994 to combine sports and computer science. This was followed by the diploma course "Sport and Technology" at the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg in the winter semester 1997/1998 and in 1998 the master’s course at the Technical University of Chemnitz in which the first major in sports science and the second the subject of sports equipment technology could be chosen.

Since the introduction of the Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Germany, sports technology courses have also been adapted and expanded. The University of Bielefeld , the Technical University of Munich , the German Sport University in Cologne (DSHS) and, since the winter semester 2017/2018, the University of Bayreuth have been offering their students special sports technology master’s courses.


  • Albrecht Hummel , Alfred Rütten (Hrsg.): Handbook of technology and sport: Sports equipment - sports equipment - sports facilities. Verlag Hofmann, Schorndorf 2001, ISBN 3-7780-1801-9 , ( contributions to teaching and research in sport. Volume 130).

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