Language emergence

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Under development of language refers to the emergence of new individual languages , either as a result of a natural process (→  Natural Language ) or by the (planned) human intervention (→  Constructed Language ) take place can.

The Indo-European languages , which developed from the hypothetical Ur-Indo-European , can be cited as an example of the natural development of independent languages . Another example - within Indo-European - are the Romance languages , which developed from Vulgar Latin . In a similar way, the Slavic languages (also belonging to the Indo-European language family ) developed from the unified Primeval Slavic .

The linguistic revitalization is related to the artificial process of language creation. Modern Hebrew ( Ivrit ) was created in this way, as well as the (New) Czech language , whose written (revitalized) version is based on an old translation of the Bible, from which today's diglossia in Bohemia comes.

The Cornish , which has not been handed down sufficiently, was based on its similarity to the Welsh and Breton revitalized. This Neukornisch is therefore not a direct continuation of the (at the language level of Spätkornischen ) extinct language (rather Neokornisch based on the Mittelkornischen), which is often criticized.

Another possibility is the creation of a new language by expanding a constructed language. Planned languages , in particular, are suspected of growing into a language with native speakers in the future .

Also Kreol- and Pidgin are potential candidates for Neuentstehungen.

The term language origin should not be confused with that of the language origin , which refers to the origin of "all" languages ​​or "the" language itself.

The opposite of language origin is language death .