Springfield (place name)

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Springfield is a common place name in the United States , the United Kingdom and other English-speaking areas.

Onomatology and dissemination

Springfield can literally be translated into German as "Quellfeld" or "Frühlingsfeld".

This place name exists 64 times in the USA and is used in 35 different states of the USA. The city exists, for example, four times in Wisconsin and as a township (administrative unit) nine times in Pennsylvania . This makes Springfield one of the most common city names in the USA alongside Fairview , Midway or Oak Grove .

Springfield (Illinois) , located on the Sangamon River, is the capital of the US -amerikanischen state of Illinois .

The place is found twelve times in the United Kingdom and nine times in the wider English-speaking world. Thus, the name can be found a total of 85 times in the world.

Historically, the first Springfield in the United States was Springfield, Massachusetts . Next to Springfield, Missouri , it is the largest city with that name in the United States.

Springfield in fiction

Because of its frequent occurrence, Springfield is often used as a placeholder name in the United States, for example in the series Springfield Story ( Guiding Light ) and The Simpsons (see Springfield (The Simpsons) ).

Places called Springfield

United States



For townships in the United States, see Springfield Township .

United Kingdom


South Africa



New Zealand

Individual evidence

  1. http://geonames.usgs.gov/domestic/faqs.htm FAQ of the US Geological Survey , 12. What is the most frequently occurring community name in the United States?