State Archives Administration

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The State Archives Administration (StAV) in the Ministry of the Interior was the central guidance and control institution for the state archives in the German Democratic Republic . The State Archives Administration at the Ministry of the Interior of the German Democratic Republic, as the competent specialist body of the Council of Ministers of the GDR for state archives, was responsible for the management, supervision and control as well as planning and coordination of all basic tasks of the GDR archives .


The State Archives Administration was, among other things, responsible for establishing principles for the development of state archives in the GDR. The central state archive, all state archives, the central office for archival restoration, the central office for reprography, the central office for genealogy in the GDR and the technical school for archives "Franz Mehring" in Potsdam were directly subordinate to it. For the other state archives in the country, on the other hand, the organs, companies and institutions where they were set up were responsible. At the district level, these were the archives departments at the respective council of the district or the magistrate of Greater Berlin, Department of Internal Affairs, and the subject areas of archives at the councils of the districts or councils of the city districts of Greater Berlin, Department of Internal Affairs.

The technical competence extended to the guidance and advice of the state organs, the economic management organs as well as the state facilities and institutions of the GDR in fundamental questions of the archival system. The StAV was responsible for coordinating the takeover, evaluation, indexing (= order and listing) and evaluation of the holdings of the State Archive Fund of the GDR. In the StAV, the central inventory of the State Archive Fund of the GDR was kept, specialist literature such as the archive reports published, the training, further education and advanced training in the state archiving system was centrally controlled and international cooperation in the archiving system was endeavored, with the focus mainly on exchanges with other socialist states, especially with the USSR.


Office building of the State Archives Administration in Potsdam, Berliner Str. 98–101

On November 1, 1952, the General Directorate of the State Archives of the GDR was formed with its seat in Potsdam . It existed alongside the archive department of the Ministry of the Interior of the GDR in Berlin .

As early as February 1953, the main archive department merged with the general directorate for the state archive administration in the State Secretariat for Internal Affairs (later renamed the Ministry of the Interior). The seat was initially Berlin, from 1955 to 1990 the district town of Potsdam. In the course of 1990 the transformation of the StAV into the Central Archives Office of the GDR took place, the complete release of which was completed after the end of the GDR in 1991.



Deputy Head

Head of the district propaganda activist

Editor-in-chief of archive releases

Publications (selection)

  • Principles of order and description for the state archives of the German Democratic Republic, publisher: State Archive Administration in the Ministry of the Interior of the German Democratic Republic, 1964.
  • National Council of the National Front of Democratic Germany. Documentation Center of the State Archives Administration of the GDR (Ed.): " Braunbuch ". War and Nazi criminals in the Federal Republic and West Berlin. State, economy, administration, army, justice, science . State Publishing House of the German Democratic Republic, Berlin 1968.


  • State archive administration of the Ministry of the Interior of the GDR (ed.): Lexikon Archivwesen der DDR , Berlin, Staatsverlag der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik, 1976.
  • Botho Brachmann : Archives of the German Democratic Republic. Theory and Practice , Berlin, 1984,

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Botho Brachmann : Archives of the German Democratic Republic. Theory and Practice , Berlin, 1984, p. 413