Roland Leipold

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Roland Leipold (born May 25, 1930 in Edle Krone ; † May 8, 2000 in Berlin-Hohenschönhausen ) was a German colonel in the Ministry for State Security of the GDR and head of the state archive administration of the Ministry of the Interior of the German Democratic Republic .


Leipold was the only child of the optical grinder and KPD member Hermann Leipold and his wife Erna née Oberländer. His father represented the KPD in the Höckendorf municipal council and was arrested in March 1933. He managed to escape and after a stopover in Dresden he went to Czechoslovakia. Only after the end of the war in 1945 did he return to Höckendorf, so that Roland Leipold grew up with his mother for twelve years without a father.

At the end of eight-grade school attendance from 1936 to 1944, Roland Leipold joined the Hitler Youth . He then attended the commercial full class of the business school in Freital for two years . In 1946 he joined the KPD and became a member of the SED through the forced unification . In the same year he moved with his parents to Dippoldiswalde in the Eastern Ore Mountains , where Roland Leipold attended the trade and trade school as well as a course at the SED party school. In 1948 he followed his father, who went to the German Interior Administration in Berlin.

In 1949 he became a member of the armed organs of the GDR and in 1951 an employee of the Ministry for State Security of the GDR, where he was promoted to colonel and last there headed Department XII (archive and information). On January 1, 1983, he was appointed head of the GDR's State Archives Administration as the successor to Gerhard Exner . At the end of December 1989 he resigned from this position for health reasons. His successor was the lawyer Günter Herzog .

He carried the title of senior archivist.



  • Hermann Schreyer: The state archives of the GDR. An overview (= publications of the Federal Archives, vol. 70), Düsseldorf 2008.
  • Karsten Jedlitschka, Philipp Springer (ed.): The memory of the state security: The index and archive department of the MfS . Vandenbroeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 2015, ISBN 9783525310335 , p. 425. ( limited preview in the Google book search)

Individual evidence

  1. Karsten Jedlitschka, Philipp Springer: The memory of the state security: The index and archive department of the MfS , 2015, p. 333.