City and Regional Library Frankfurt (Oder)

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City and Regional Library Frankfurt (Oder)
Logo of the City and Regional Library Frankfurt (Oder) .png

Logo of the Frankfurt (Oder) city and regional library since 2017

founding April 1, 1906
Duration 158,553 (2014)
Library type City and regional library
place Frankfurt (Oder)
operator city
House 2

The City and Regional Library (SRB) Frankfurt (Oder) , part of the Frankfurt (Oder) cultural organization, is a public library with two buildings in the center of the city. It offers the latest standard in historic, listed buildings. In the Germany-wide library ranking, it took 1st place in the years 2009–2012 in terms of order fulfillment and even received gold status in 2013 and was thus in the top group in the library index.


With the book hall movement in the 1890s, the municipal book and reading hall was opened on April 1, 1906 under the direction of Felix Plage in Klöckner'schen Haus at Oderstraße 41. Plage 20,000 marks were available to set up the bookshelves. 5,000 books, newspapers, magazines and illustrated books could be used on site. The reading card, with 20 loans, cost 20 pfennigs. In the first year there were 67,000 loans. Out-of-home lending began seven years later. In the years 1920 to 1925, the Ratsbücherei, Ostmark-Bücherei and Kleist-Bücherei were taken over. In the following year there was the first of three changes of name to Städtische Bücherei .

In 1932 the entire library moved to the town hall at Bischofstrasse 17, where it is still based today. Ten years later the music library in the Kleist House was opened. On February 6, 1946 there was a temporary closure due to war damage. Reconstruction work began on June 1 of the same year and took about five months to complete. Lending could start again on November 5th. In 1950 the reading room and the music department were opened. In the period from 1953 to 1980 work was carried out on setting up a branch network . In 1954 the name was changed for the second time from the Frankfurt City Library to the City and District Library, as well as the establishment of an independent children's library . The music library opened four years later . 1960 was switched to the open access .

A reorganization took place in 1986 in the form of a thematic book listing. The library was the first state general library in the GDR to carry out these measures. The last name change took place in 1990. The city and district library was renamed the city ​​and regional library . Three years later, the company switched to full IT use. As of 1997, the library was one of the first in Germany to be accessible via the Internet and since then has provided Internet places with multimedia functions. A year later, the city and regional library became part of the cultural operations of the city of Frankfurt (Oder). In 2002, the last nine branches were closed. In the following year, the music library, children's library and the picture center moved to the cultural center, where double the lending area is available. The introduction of a new software ( WinBIAP ) with Web-OPAC took place in 2007. In October 2007, the opening of the e-loan, a loan of digital media over the Internet. Since February 2012, this has been taking place in association with the Potsdam City and State Library, SRB Cottbus, the Fouqué Library Brandenburg an der Havel and libraries of the Potsdam-Mittelmark district under a joint website as Brandenburg e-lending.

Inventory and services

Media inventory

In 2014, the city and regional library had a total media inventory of 147,923 media units (ME), which is made up as follows:

number Genera
36,169 Non-fiction
59,656 Non-book media
23,518 Children's and young people's literature
18.101 Fiction
13,046 Virtual media in the network
4,459 Magazines
4.019 Magazine inventory

The entire media inventory is distributed over two buildings in the center of the city and virtually on the e-lending facility. The total public area of ​​both buildings of the library is 1,364 m².


In building 1 and 2 of the city and regional library there are media from the following areas:

House 1

The media inventory is located on the ground floor and the first two floors. The administration is located on the third floor. The historic building is a listed building and was initially used as a carpet store. The city and regional library is handicapped accessible with a lift and ramp as well as an appropriately equipped toilet .

House 2

  • Children's literature
  • Music media (sheet music, CDs)
  • Film media (DVDs, videos, Blu-ray discs)
  • PC games, board games , console games
  • Image point
  • Special collection on Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach
  • Magazines

The children's and music library is housed in building 2 together with the music school and the memorial for victims of political tyranny. The media inventory is distributed from the third to the fifth floor. The building functioned as a prison until 1969 and was renovated in 2001 to accommodate the library.


The collections on Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach with approx. 580 ME and magazined GDR children's literature should be mentioned as special holdings from House 2 . Rare titles from the Eterna records, as well as sheet music and non-fiction, make up around 380 ME. Since 1998 the cityscape office of the Frankfurt (Oder) school administration office has belonged to the city and regional library, with its seat in the children's and music library. The media inventory of around 4,300 slides, films, videos and DVDs is available to the various educational institutions to support teaching. The relevant media also include non-fiction in book form, which deals with media studies as well as the conveyance of values ​​and teaching philosophy. The regional literature is constantly being expanded and made accessible as completely as possible. The holdings are used to study regional history and also include materials that appear outside the book trade, such as the home calendar, event programs and leaflets . For this purpose, a shelf was set up in 2009 for regional writers in order to accentuate the identity of the region's active literary scene. Four times a year there is an author meeting of regional writers and once a year the Night of Poetry, at which the regional literary scene can present its own texts.


The library has been participating in the library index (BIX) since 2009. At the BIX 2009 she was ranked 5th overall and 1st in order fulfillment. The library was able to hold this 1st place in order fulfillment in 2010 and 2011. In 2013, the library was awarded gold four times in the categories offering, use, efficiency and development. The population of the city of Frankfurt (Oder) has decreased massively by over 13,000 cancellations since 2000. Correspondingly, the number of active users of the library has also decreased by around 10,000 in the last ten years, but in 2011 it stagnated for the first time. In 2009, 2010 and 2011 an increase in visitors was achieved, most recently in 2011 by over 10,000 visitors. The media inventory has been adjusted over the past few years in line with the population decline. In 2013 the library had 653,543 loans, and in 2014 it had 668,592 loans.

Catalogs and databases

  • Brandenburg e-lending
  • GDR children's literature in magazines
  • Online catalog - research in the entire range of media in the city and regional library, pre-ordering of borrowed titles and extensions
  • Collections on Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach
  • Web 2.0 catalog functions


As the fifth library in Germany and the first in the new federal states, the city and regional library has been offering e-lending since 2007. Digital media in the form of e-books , e-papers, audio books, e-music and e-videos can be downloaded around the clock from home with the user number. There is no need to return the file because the file is automatically deleted after the deadline.

Event program

The SRB sees its core tasks as promoting reading, imparting media skills and promoting literature, and with its associated program of events makes an important contribution to cultural education among citizens. In addition to participating in reading promotion projects such as the “Reading Makes You Strong” or “Reading Start - Three Milestones for Reading” program, the library offers special reading training for parents and teachers. In addition, there are a large number of series of events to convey literature, which are also intended to arouse reading enthusiasm. For example, there is the literature café, where the participants can chat in a cozy atmosphere about books they enjoy reading. In addition, the SRB offers a literary cinema in the winter months. In addition, the “Night of Poetry” takes place once a year, at which the diverse, creative and voluntary free scene that is active in literature receives a public podium. With the “Night of Poetry” and the “Author's Meeting” held four times a year, the SRB promotes the city and region's literary offer. In addition, there are numerous other individual events for all age groups in which literary understanding and media skills are imparted, such as:

  • Picture book cinema
  • Telling life (in cooperation with the association "My Life - told contemporary history" eV)
  • Reading training (in cooperation with the VHS)
  • Reading competitions (in cooperation with the Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels)
  • Between () worlds (in cooperation with the European University Viadrina)

General services

  • 24 hour extension via the answering machine or the Internet
  • Loan of e-book readers
  • Guided tours for seniors, adults, young people and children - regular public tours, including introductions to the online catalog ( OPAC ) and e-lending
  • Loans
  • Reader requests
  • Media tips
  • Mobile library service
  • PC workstations with internet use and multimedia functions, word processing, scanner, burner, copier and fax
  • Standing order to react quickly to bestseller requests
  • Events on literary and current topics for adults and children
  • WLAN in house 1


The Frankfurt (Oder) city and regional library works with over 150 institutions, associations and other partners. These include: Viadrina University Library , Kleines Kino e. V., Märchenland e. V., Kleist Museum, Friedrich-Bödecker-Kreis e. V., Reading Foundation or MyLife e. V. The aim of the library is to conceptually develop and expand its partner network in order to be able to use the numerous advantages of cooperation effectively.

On April 23, 2012, on World Book Day , the association "Friends of the Frankfurt (Oder) City and Regional Library" was founded on the initiative of library director Dirk Wissen. Among the 15 founding members are not only city councilors, but also employees of the European University, employees of the Frankfurt-Słubice cooperation center and the cultural enterprise, active and former librarians from Frankfurt (Oder) and Słubice, a photographer, a graphic artist, a bookseller, one Writer and a music teacher, a representative of the “My life” association and dedicated library volunteers. The purpose of the association is, according to the statutes, "the ideal and material support and cultural promotion of the city and regional library Frankfurt (Oder)". The association wants u. a. support the educational and cultural mandate of the library and strengthen the social significance of the library, is selflessly active and does not pursue any commercial purposes.


  • Libraries of the Frankfurt (Oder) district, library association of the GDR
  • BIX 2013 - The Library Index a special issue from bitonline
  • BUB (book and library) issue 7/8 2006, public library
  • BUB (Book and Library) Volume 5 2009
  • BUB (book and library) issue 11/12 2009
  • BUB (Book and Library) Issue 1 2011
  • DBS - German library statistics
  • The Frankfurt (Oder) City and Regional Library - An outline of its history from 1906–1996
  • Frankfurt (Oder): 100 years of the city and regional library
  • New Germany from October 23, 2010: 'Have a cup of espresso'
  • Wir im Quartier, February issue: 'The city and regional library in Frankfurt (Oder) - more than "just" a library 2011'
  • Wir im Quartier, issue No. 10, April 2014: "Knowledge about reading skills"

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. 110 years of reading for Frankfurt, accessed on April 1, 2016
  2. oder-neisse info, accessed on August 15, 2013

Coordinates: 52 ° 20 ′ 37 ″  N , 14 ° 33 ′ 14 ″  E