City district of Frankfurt

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Urban district model 2003

Stadtkreis Frankfurt is the title of various drafts for the political reorganization of the Frankfurt metropolitan area , which were discussed between 1971 and 2005. The aim of the proposals was the merger of the independent city Frankfurt with municipalities in the surrounding counties to a regional city or regional district . None of the proposals has yet been implemented.

Regional city of Frankfurt

The model of the CDU in the Main-Taunus-Kreis , chaired by Kelkheim Mayor Winfried Stephan, was published almost simultaneously with the Regional City Frankfurt project of Frankfurt Mayor Walter Möller (SPD) on January 10, 1971. The proposed urban district with around 1.2 million inhabitants should include the cities of Frankfurt and Offenbach as well as 50 to 60 surrounding communities. In order to bring the proportions closer together, the suburbs were to be combined into larger units and the city of Frankfurt was to be divided into five independent cities (center, Bockenheim / northwest, Bornheim / northeast, Sachsenhausen and Höchst ).

On August 19, 1971, a similar proposal was made by the CDU parliamentary group in the Untermain regional planning community , which was then responsible for regional planning in the Frankfurt metropolitan area. This concept envisaged a slightly larger population of around 1.5 million inhabitants. The 84 affected surrounding communities were to be grouped into 13 cities with 40,000 to 80,000 inhabitants each, and Frankfurt and Offenbach were to lose their district freedom. The city of Frankfurt was to be reduced in size, but in contrast to the Stephan model, it was no longer to be broken down into sub-cities.

After all, as part of the regional reform in Hesse, neither the regional city nor the urban district was realized, but the Frankfurt Umlandverband was founded in 1975 with a significantly smaller scope of tasks, which, however, was dissolved again when the Hessian Metropolitan Area Act came into force in 2001.

Later suggestions

Since the problem of administrative fragmentation in the Frankfurt area therefore still exists, numerous other proposals have been put up for discussion since the 1990s, including the Rhine-Main regional district of the former Hessian state development minister Jörg Jordan (1996) and the concept of the Frankfurt urban district Frankfurt Mayor Petra Roth (CDU), which was presented in October 2003.

The urban district proposed by Roth comprised 27 municipalities with around 1.3 million inhabitants. The rather narrow geographical layout was surprising, as important suburban communities were not included. The most important goal was the creation of an intra-regional financial equalization through the district levy and the joint financing of the high Frankfurt and Offenbach social welfare costs . Like all previous projects, the project was controversial in the region, as the representatives of the surrounding area were particularly interested in maintaining the status quo . Since the Frankfurt city council in 2005 advocated a regional district based on the Jordan model, Roth's urban district concept was not pursued any further.


Individual evidence

  1. From Bad Homburg to Rüsselsheim a single “city district” , Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung No. 241 of October 17, 2003
  2. ^ Resolution of the 39th session of the city council on December 16, 2004