Steel key

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The steel key ( ZDB-ID 128283-9) is one of the most important reference works for the steel and steel processing industry. The book is published by the Verlag Stahlkey Wegst GmbH . Since 1951, this company has been publishing almost exclusively this work in addition to a paperback edition, a CD-ROM and an electronic database, which has since been added.

The steel key contains approx. 70,000 types of steel from approx. 300 steelworks and suppliers, but also the national and international standards for iron and steel . According to his own statements, the steel key is ... the reference work for everyone who has anything to do with steel . In comparison, EN 10020, definitions for the classification of steels in the German version DIN EN 10020: 2000, contains a total of 2335 steel types.


Table part

In the table part the names, codes etc. of the manufacturers are listed with the analysis and the most important standards that this steel fulfills. The tables are used both to determine the steel, for example if a spare part has to be manufactured, the steel can be determined based on its analysis, and to find possible alternatives if a spare part originally from Germany is to be produced in Russia.

steel ASTM US-No. C. N Cr Ni Mon Other EN DIN SS BS Welded
201 201 S 20100 0.1 0.04 17.0 7.0 - - 1,431 1,431 2331 301 S21 -
301 301 S 30100 0.06 0.06 17.5 8.1 - S. 1.4305 1.4305 2346 303 S31 -
303 303 S 30300 0.04 0.06 18.5 8.7 - - 1.4301 1.4301 2333 304 S31 308 L
304 304 S 30400 0.02 0.06 18.3 10.2 - - 1.4306 1.4306 2352 304 S11 308 L

Lexical part

In the lexical part, the steel key shows the most important alloy components (carbon, chromium, nickel, molybdenum, etc.) and "steel pests" such as antimony (Sb), oxygen (O) or tin (Sn).

Variants (selection)

  • Key to Steel (English and French Edition.) French & European Pubns 2007, ISBN 0-6865-6740-4
  • Steel key paperback . Things to know about steels, ISBN 3-9225-9916-8
  • Steel Key - Key to Steel Version 6.0 . (CD-ROM) 2010, ISBN 3-9225-9927-3
  • La Clé des aciers; Key to Steel . (CD-ROM) 2010


The steel key is an essential resource for anyone working with steel in industry and commerce. As early as 1969 it was stated in the English “The Automobile engineer” (Vol. 59): “... we know of no better work of reference than key to steel. Some indication as to its scope can be derived from the long list of countries whose standard specifications are given: ... " . Book author Raymond A. Wall calls the steel key the "obvious" source for information on steel and steel grades in the first place. Reputation and reliability can be measured when you see that manufacturers use the steel key and not a standard as a reference for information in their own brochures, for example M. Woite in a data sheet.

Individual evidence

  1. 23rd edition from 2013
  2. Book Description of a Fachvertriebs, accessed on February 4, 2015
  3. ^ The Automotive engineer , page 394 on Google Books, accessed April 13, 2012;
    Translation: "... we know of no better reference work than the steel key. An indication of its scope can be guessed from the long list of countries whose standards are given ...."
  4. Raymond A. Wall (1983) Finding and using product information: from trade catalogs to computer systems ; Gower, p. 263; If there is reason to suspect the specification is for a steel, the obvious sources include:
    If there are reasons to suspect that
    the specification is a steel standard, the obvious sources contain: ...
  5. ^ Material data sheet 1.4301 , M. Woite, Erkrath, accessed on April 16, 2012