Stanislau Bulak-Balachowitsch

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Stanislau Bulak-Balachowitsch

Stanislau Bulak-Balachowitsch ( Belarusian Станіслаў Булак-Балаховіч ; Polish Stanisław Bułak-Bałachowicz ; born November 12, 1883 in Mejschty, today Ignalina district in Lithuania ; † November 28, 1940 in Warsaw General , Poland ) was a White Polish General


During the First World War , Bulak-Balachowitsch fought in the Russian army and received high awards. After the outbreak of the Russian Civil War in 1918 he was first commander of a Polish cavalry - detachments , which on the side of the Bolsheviks fought. However, he soon changed sides and joined his detachment with the Belarusian Northern Army and the German Freikorps fighting with it . During the Polish-Soviet War , Bulak-Balachowitsch fought on the side of Poland and was instrumental in the Slutsk uprising against the Bolsheviks. In November 1920 he was President of the Provisional Belarusian Government for a few days . However, the uprising failed and as a result of the Riga Peace Treaty in 1921 Belarus remained under the control of the Soviet Union . From then on, Bulak-Balachowitsch served as an officer in the Polish Army and was an advisor to Franco's nationalists during the Spanish Civil War . In 1940 he was murdered by the Gestapo during the German occupation of Warsaw .

Web links

Commons : Stanisłaŭ Bułak-Bałachowič  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Künker auction 265 - Orders and decorations from all over the world | The Burger Collection, including Numismatischer Verlag Künker, 2015. p. 222