Stanley Aronowitz

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Stanley Aronowitz (2007)

Stanley Aronowitz (born January 6, 1933 in New York City ; died August 16, 2021 ) was an American sociologist and political activist.


Born in New York City in 1933 as the son of Jewish workers, Aronowitz grew up in the Bronx . In the 1950s and 1960s he was involved in the American labor movement and was active in the civil rights movement.

According to his self-image, he was a "public intellectual" and cultural critic. Due to the organization of a sit-in, he was kicked out of Brooklyn College and then worked for 15 years in various steel mills and factories around New York and New Jersey . During this time he came into contact with the labor movement and began to be interested in its organization. He then embarked on his academic career at the end of the 1960s.

In 1968 Aronowitz received his bachelor's degree from the New School , and in 1975 he received his doctorate from the Union Graduate School. Since 1983 he has taught at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York , where he was also appointed Professor of Sociology and Urban Education. He later was the director of the Center for the Study of Culture, Technology and Work. As an author and editor, he was responsible for around 25 books dealing with the topics of the labor movement, class and education. Together with Henry Giroux , he spent years critically examining the conditions of education in the United States.

Aronowitz was married to journalist and activist Ellen Willis until her death in 2006 and was the father of several children.

Fonts (selection)

  • Against Orthodoxy: Social Theory and its Discontents , Palgrave Macmillan, New York 2015 ISBN 978-1-137-38718-9
  • The Death and Life of American Labor: Toward a New Worker's Movement , Verso Books, London 2014, ISBN 1-78478-300-5 .
  • Taking It Big: C. Wright Mills and the Making of Political Intellectuals , Columbia University Press, New York 2012, ISBN 0-231-13540-8 .
  • Against Schooling: For an Education that Matters , Routledge, New York 2008, ISBN 1-59451-503-4 .
  • Left Turn: Forging a New Political Future , Routledge, New York 2006, ISBN 1-59451-503-4 .
  • How Class Works , Yale University Press, Yale 2003, ISBN 0-300-10504-5 .
  • with Peter Bratsis (Ed.): Paradigm Lost: State Theory Reconsidered. University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis 2002.
  • with Henry Giroux: Education Still Under Siege , Bergin & Garvey, Westport 1993.
  • with Henry Giroux : Education Under Siege , Routledge, London 1983, ISBN 978-0-203-22203-4 .
  • Crisis In Historical Materialism: Class, Politics, and Culture in Marxist Theory , Prager, New York 1981, ISBN 0-03-059031-0 (second edition New York 1990, ISBN 0-333-49105-X ).
  • False Promises: The Shaping of American Working Class Consciousness , McGraw-Hill Education 1973, ISBN 0-8223-1198-4 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Stanley Aronowitz, longtime labor and civil rights activist, dies at 88,, accessed August 18, 2021
  2. Gabriel Morley: Stanley Arnowotiz. Intellectual and Cultural Critic . In: James D. Kirylo (Ed.): A Critical Pedagogy of Resistance . Rotterdam 2013, p. 5 .
  3. Entry on Stanley Aronowitz on, accessed on August 18, 2021.