Dettingen reservoir

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Dettingen reservoir
Dettingen reservoir (2019) Aerial view towards the south
Dettingen reservoir (2019) Aerial view towards the south
Location: Biberach district
Tributaries: Illerkanal
Drain: Illerkanal → Iller
Larger places nearby: Dettingen on the Iller
Dettingen reservoir (Baden-Wuerttemberg)
Dettingen reservoir
Coordinates 48 ° 6 '18 "  N , 10 ° 8' 13"  E Coordinates: 48 ° 6 '18 "  N , 10 ° 8' 13"  E
Data on the structure
Construction time: 1926-1928
Height above foundation level : 16 m
Crown length: 3 600  m
Data on the reservoir
Water surface 52 ha
Storage space 2.1 million m³

The Dettingen reservoir is located in Dettingen an der Iller in the Biberach district and around twelve kilometers north of Memmingen in Baden-Württemberg near the border with Bavaria .

It is located on the Illerkanal next to the Iller , a tributary of the Danube. The reservoir , the canal power station and the Illerkanal were built between 1926 and 1928 by the Oberschwäbische Elektrizitätswerke to generate energy. Today EnBW is the operator of the hydropower plant . The barrier structure is a 16 m high gravity dam .

The fishing on the lake was in the hands of KSFV Biberach e. V.

See also

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