Stefan Voss

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Stefan Voß (born June 2, 1961 in Hamburg ) is a German mathematician and economist as well as professor of business informatics at the Institute for Business Informatics at the University of Hamburg .


Stefan Voß completed a degree in mathematics and economics (VWL) at the University of Hamburg .

He then did his doctorate and habilitation at the Technical University of Darmstadt . The subject of his habilitation thesis was Intelligent search .

From 1995 to 2002 Stefan Voß was Professor of Business Information Systems at the Technical University of Braunschweig .

Guest professorships have taken him to Graz , Austria and Valenciennes , France, among others .

Since 2002 Stefan Voß has been Professor of Business Informatics as well as professor and managing director at the Institute for Business Informatics at the University of Hamburg.

Research priorities

His main research interests are in the areas of information systems , supply chain management and logistics as well as intelligent search. Stefan Voss has an international reputation as a result of numerous publications in these fields.

Current research projects are information systems in transport, supply chain management as well as metaheuristics and intelligent search algorithms in practical applications.

Stefan Voss is ranked 18th in the list of Top 250 Life Achievement Researchers in the Handelsblatt Ranking Business Administration 2012 and 35th in the list of Top 100 Researchers currently (since 2008) of the Handelsblatt Ranking Business Administration 2012. He is thus one of the most research-oriented business administrators.

Stefan Voß is a member of advisory boards and publishes scientific journals.

Fonts (selection)

  • Andreas Fink / Gabriele Schneidereit / Stefan Voß: Basics of business informatics. With 16 tables , Physica-Verlag, 2nd edition, Heidelberg 2005, ISBN 3-7908-0189-5
  • Stefan Voß / David L. Woodruff: Introduction to computational optimization models for production planning in supply chain. With 24 tables , Springer Verlag , 2nd edition, Berlin / Heidelberg / New York 2006, ISBN 978-3-540-29878-6 (language: English)
  • Stefan Voss (Ed.): Logistics Management. Systems, methods, integration , Physica-Verlag, Berlin / Heidelberg 2009, ISBN 978-3-7908-2361-5

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Stefan Voss - homepage of the chair . University of Hamburg website. Retrieved November 26, 2012.
  2. a b c d Stefan Voß - Profile . University of Hamburg website. Retrieved November 26, 2012.
  3. Stefan Voss - habilitation thesis . Catalog of the German National Library. Retrieved November 26, 2012.
  4. Top 250 researcher life's work. Handelsblatt Ranking Business Administration 2012. Handelsblatt Online. Handelsblatt GmbH, accessed on September 1, 2013 .
  5. Top 100 researchers currently. Handelsblatt Ranking Business Administration 2012. Handelsblatt Online. Handelsblatt GmbH, accessed on September 2, 2013 .