Stefanie Grüssl

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Stefanie Grüssl

Stefanie Grüssl (born July 24, 1960 in Graz ) is an Austrian artist. She lives and works in Vienna .


Stefanie Grüssl grew up in Graz and attended the master school for ceramics and furnace construction at the HTBLVA Graz-Ortweinschule . From 1982 to 1985 and from 1990 to 1994 she studied at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna (majoring in product design and design). She has been working as a designer and painter since 1990. In addition to her work as an artist, she is also employed as a ministerial advisor in the Austrian Ministry of Economic Affairs. Stefanie Grüssl has been a member of the advisory board of the Design Forum in the MuseumsQuartier Wien, which she helped set up, since 2005 . Since 2014 it has been creating for the Castle Authority Austria photographic documentations about Austrian cultural buildings.

Artistic development

An artistic, handicraft environment shaped Stefanie Grüssl's childhood. Her father, Gerald Wechtitsch, worked alongside his job as a photographer and filmmaker. Her uncle, the architect and painter Eilfried Huth , had an important influence . She is related to the artist Hartmut Skerbisch and Walter Klug , also an artist and goldsmith and former professor at the Graz School of Applied Arts , where Stefanie Grüssl received her training. Stefanie Grüssl has been going on annual painting trips with her sister, the painter and architect Susanne Wechtitsch, since the 1990s.

Chair sculpture by Stefanie Grüssl
Fire Mountains by Stefanie Grüssl


Although trained as a ceramist and designer, Stefanie Grüssl now mainly works as a painter and photographer. For her mixed technique, she mainly uses oil pastels, colored pencils, gouache and watercolor on watercolor cardboard. Her photographs are regularly published in various magazines (including the NÖN special edition on Maria Theresia; the "fliegermagazin" or the Carinthian culture magazine "Die Brücke").

She is particularly interested in the human research subject and the expression of psychological processes. Since 2005 there has been a cooperation (lectures, workshops, publications) with the Institute for Educational Psychology for Educational Development at the Ministry of Education and Research of the Republic of Tatarstan and the Sigmund Freud University of Vienna , which primarily deals with the use of images in psychotherapy goes.

According to her own statements, she has a need to create meaningful, positive and humorous works of art that are intended to nourish, comfort or amuse the viewer. Her intensive preoccupation with meditation and spirituality flows into the art.

Her works can be found in many private collections. With her art she is also committed to social issues; Among other things, she supports Cecily Corti's VinziRast projects. In addition to her work as a visual artist, Stefanie Grüssl writes poetic texts and haikus .

In 2015 Stefanie Grüssl equipped the work “Air Police in Austria then and now” with photo documentation. 2016 which was published on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Austrian Ministry of the Interior Deputy Flight Police a special brand of Austrian Post , was photo artistically involved in their design Stefanie Grüssl. As a result of a collaboration with the Burghauptmannschaft Austria and the flight police, Stefanie Grüssl created the illustrated book "Höhenflug - Österreichs Kulturerbe in Luftaufnahme" (Höhenflug - Österreichs Kulturerbe in Luftaufnahme)) in 2018, which will be used as an official guest gift during Austria's EU Council Presidency in the second half of 2018.


Stefanie Grüssl is married to the Viennese art collector Gerald Grüssl.


  • 2008: Golden Pixel Award for concept and photography of the "Pirlo Calendar"

Exhibitions (selection)

  • 1975: Graz, Sparkassenplatz (drawings and objects)
  • 1984: Vienna, Cafe Demel, "A new Coffee Landscape" (porcelain), joint exhibition with the University of Applied Arts, Vienna
  • 1986: New York City, "Contemporary Porcelain" joint exhibition with the University of Applied Arts, Vienna
  • 1992: Halbtum Castle, "Apparent Ceramic" (sofa and porcelain)
  • 1992: Salzburg, Berchtoldsvilla, "Design Weeks" (sofa) Joint exhibition with the University of Applied Arts, Vienna
  • 1994: Budapest, Museum of Applied Arts (textile on porcelain) Joint exhibition with the University of Applied Arts, Vienna
  • 1999: Feldkirchen, Amthof: 1st Austrian Caricature Festival
  • 2001: Vienna, Federal Ministry f. Economy u. Work: "The frog and his shadow" (painting)
  • 2002: Vienna, as part of the 3rd World Congress for Psychotherapy, school ship on the Danube Island: “Felsbrandung” (painting)
  • 2006: Vienna, exhibition in the WKÖ: "Encounter with inner being" (painting)
  • 2008: Nötsch, ground floor in the Wiegele house: "The bread of art", together with Susanne Wechtitsch (painting)
  • 2009: Graz, Federal Monuments Office: "Seeing twice - two sisters painting journeys", together with Susanne Wechtitsch (painting)
  • 2010: Vienna, “Magic Formula”: marble hall of the government building on the Stubenring, (painting with book presentation) and symposium: “Communication in Pictures” in the IIIDspace
  • 2013: Vienna, "Arrived": at VITRA and to support the VinziRast-CortiHaus (painting)
  • 2014: Vienna, "Views of a Cathedral": Photo exhibition about St. Stephen's Cathedral in favor of Caritas of the cathedral parish
  • 2016: Vienna, District Museum Währing: "Protection", in favor of the VinziRast Home project by Cecily Corti (painting)

Publications (selection)

  • with Susanne Wechtitsch: Seeing twice. Painting trips by two sisters , self-published by S. Grüssl, Vienna 2008, ISBN 978-3-200-01240-0 .
  • Magic formula. An artistic career , self-published by S. Grüssl, Vienna 2010, ISBN 978-3-200-01872-3 .
  • with Peter Weichselbaum (Ed.): Flugpolizei in Österreich then and now , Publisher: Federal Ministry of the Interior, Department II / 7 - Flugpolizei, Vienna 2015.
  • Flying high. Austria's cultural heritage in aerial photographs , Amalthea Signum Verlag, Vienna 2018, ISBN 978-3-99050-134-4 .

Web links

Commons : Stefanie Grüssl  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Die Brücke - Carinthia's cultural magazine
  2. Statement by Stefanie Grüssl on her official homepage
  3. ↑ A portrait of the donor: Stefanie Grüssl article dated November 30, 2017 on
  4. ^ Stefanie Grüssl and Peter Weichselbaum (eds.): Flugpolizei in Österreich then and now , Publisher: Federal Ministry of the Interior, Department II / 7 - Flugpolizei, Vienna 2015.
  5. Stefanie Grüssl and Werner Senn : Air Police in Austria . In: Helico Revue No. 126 - 06/2016, p. 25.
  6. ^ Johann Werfring: Austria's national pride from a sublime perspective . In: "Wiener Zeitung", July 18, 2018, p. 14.