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Pedestals are circular discs made of plastic on which a cross joint consisting of four bars is attached. They are used to be able to lay terrace slabs without mortar and to create a cavity under the terrace slab through which the surface water can run off. The water gets through the open (not jointed) tile joints under the terrace area and is drained off there via a slope.


Originally (and in some cases still today), mortar bags were used to lay terrace slabs with a cavity under the slabs. Today, the term pedestal primarily refers to height-adjustable pedestals. They usually consist of a lower part (foot), a threaded part and an upper part. The upper part forms the support for the terrace slabs and carries a joint cross consisting of four bars. Joints of 3 to 4 mm are common. The pedestals allow a cavity height under the terrace slabs of 15 to over 500 mm. They are used to create a horizontal terrace surface, although the substructure (under the terrace slabs) has a slope (usually 1 to 3%). In order to achieve large cavity heights, several thread spacers are used between the lower and upper part. The load capacity of pedestals for terraces is approx. 500 kg. For parking decks, there are special rigid pedestals with a correspondingly higher load capacity.


Threadless pedestals

There are two different types of bearings for low heights, on the one hand the rigid pedestal and on the other a threadless bearing. The rigid pedestals can be snapped onto one another as often as required using a plug-in system; in combination with compensating rings, any height can be achieved and inclines of 0.5 to 5% can be compensated. Rigid pedestals and shims are available in several variants. The threadless bearings have a stepped toothing on the outer circumference of the lower and upper part, which enables height adjustment by rotating the upper part against the lower part. They allow height differences of 12 to 70 mm. They are adjustable in steps of 1%. Other threadless designs use sliding wedges for height adjustment. This means that heights from 25 to 35 mm can be set in 1 mm steps.

Threaded pedestal

Height-adjustable threaded pedestals are a good alternative to rigid pedestals. A distinction is made between pedestals with 4 separate threads (can be used from 35 to 60 mm) and terrace pedestals with a single full thread (can be used from approx. 50 to over 500 mm). Thanks to the separate thread, each corner of the terrace slab can be adjusted independently of the three other slab corners. Depending on the manufacturer, these pedestals (middle bearings) can still be divided into edge bearings and corner bearings. They can be used up to a height of 100 mm by placing suitable plate supports underneath. The stability at greater heights is no longer guaranteed with 4-spindle pedestals. 1-spindle pedestal bearings with a large thread diameter are used here. They can therefore no longer be divided into edge and corner bearings. Thread spacers can be used here. Heights of 40 to 500 mm and more can be achieved.

Used material

Polyethylene and polypropylene are used as pedestal materials . Most pedestals are made of black plastic. But there are also camps in red and blue. For decorative purposes, pedestals are made of transparent plastic, covered with transparent plates and illuminated in color below the plates.


Plates are on pedestals cast stone , granite , ceramic (2 cm thick), and wood , as well as gratings laid. The mortarless installation is used for garden and roof terraces, balconies and sidewalks. The panels can be laid on pedestals with a cross joint ( checkerboard pattern ) or offset (with a T joint).

Related terms

In addition to the pedestal, the term slab support is used. The original paving slabs have a fixed height and are partly stackable. Compensation washers are used to vary the height of slab supports. The range of rigid paving slabs was expanded years ago to include height-adjustable paving slabs. The terms stilt bearing or terrace bearing are used less frequently.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Pedestal overview (PDF; 518 kB)
  2. Pedestal with stepped teeth ( memento of the original from March 4, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (PDF; 74 kB) @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  3. Pedestal with movable wedges ( Memento of the original from March 4, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  4. Possible combinations of height-adjustable pedestals (PDF; 424 kB)
  5. 4-spindle pedestal
  6. Height-adjustable pedestals (PDF; 493 kB)
  7. 1-spindle pedestal
  8. Pedestals made of transparent plastic
  9. Application examples for pedestals (PDF; 1180 kB)
  10. Pedestal overview (PDF; 518 kB)