Stepan Klotschurak

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Stepan Klotschurak, 1930s

Stepan Stepanowytsch Klotschurak ( Ukrainian Степан Степанович Клочурак , Czech Stepan Kločurak ; born February 27, 1895 in Jassinja , Austria-Hungary ; † February 8, 1980 in Prague , Czechoslovakia ) was a Ukrainian lawyer, journalist and politician.


Stepan Klotschurak came in Yasinia in Máramaros County of the Kingdom of Hungary in present-day Rajon Rakhiv the Ukrainian Zakarpattia Oblast to the world. He studied law at the University of Bratislava and served as an officer in the Austro-Hungarian army during the First World War .

After the collapse of Austria-Hungary and subsequent proclamation of the independent Hutsul Republic ( Гуцульська Республіка ) by the Hutsul he was born on January 8, 1919 the President, and remained so until it ends on June 11, 1919. March 6, 1939-15 March 1939 he was in the autonomous Carpathian Ukrainian government Avgustyn Voloshyn III Minister of Agriculture, Labor, Health, Industry, Trade and Commerce and from March 15, 1939 to March 18, 1939 in the government of Yulian Revay Minister of Economy and Defense of the independent Carpathian Ukraine.

After the occupation of Carpathian Ruthenia by Hungary, he emigrated in March 1939 to Prague, where he in May 1945 by the Soviet counterintelligence SMERSH arrested and in to 1956 Gulag was imprisoned. In 1957 he returned to Prague, where he died at the age of 84. He published numerous articles in Ukrainian.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Entry on Stepan Klotschurak in the Encyclopedia of the History of Ukraine ; accessed on April 6, 2019 (Ukrainian)
  2. a b Entry on Stepan Klotschurak in the Encyclopedia of Modern Ukraine ; accessed on April 6, 2019 (Ukrainian)
  3. Resolution of the President of Ukraine No. 74/2019 On Awarding the Order of Freedom to S. Klochurak of March 14, 2019; accessed on April 6, 2019 (Ukrainian)