Stephan Melzl

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Stephan Melzl (* 1959 in Basel ) is a Swiss visual artist .


After graduating from the Humanist Gymnasium in Basel, Stephan Melzl began training at the Basel School of Applied Arts in 1980 , but switched to the University of Fine Arts, Städelschule , Frankfurt am Main in 1981 . In 1985 he went to Vienna to work and completed his studies at the Städelschule in Frankfurt the following year. Stephan Melzl lives and works in Frankfurt am Main and Basel.


Melzl paints and draws figuratively using traditional techniques, some of which are reminiscent of the old masters. Numerous art-historical allusions and quotations, primarily from painting of the Renaissance and Baroque , stand alongside his contemporary motifs and figures. He often uses picture-in-picture compositions, often in complex interlaced structures. Bernhart Schwenk characterizes Melzl's approach in the monograph he edited:

“The painting itself also contributes to the amalgam character of the pictures. The color, which is often applied in several glazes, only achieves its effect when the layers are laid on top of one another. This layering of colors corresponds to the motif of the time layering. The pictures only get their meaning when the picture quotations and Melzl's own picture inventions are superimposed. Just like the narrative quotes - as outmoded elements or apparently inadmissible takeovers - the different stages of the painting process are consciously and enthusiastically incorporated into the creation of the picture and give a complex experience of the present the appropriate aesthetic expression. "

Melzl has been represented in numerous solo and group exhibitions since 1986. Several of his works are in public collections, including a. in the Museum of Modern Art , Frankfurt am Main, and in the Munich Pinakothek der Moderne .

Works (selection)

  • Head 2 (Pinakothek der Moderne, Munich), 2003, 50 × 37 cm, oil on wood
  • Favorite T-shirt 1 (Museum of Modern Art, Frankfurt am Main), 2007, 65 × 50 cm, oil on wood
  • Forgotten Pictures (Goetz Collection, Munich), 2009, 65 × 50 cm, oil on wood

Solo exhibitions (selection)

  • 2018: Stephan Melzl. Air show , Museum Franz Gertsch, Burgdorf BE
  • 2014: Stephan Melzl. Superhero , Pinakothek der Moderne, Munich
  • 2009: Loock Gallery, Berlin
  • 2002: Art Association Freiburg
  • 2001: Thomas Rehbein Gallery, Cologne
  • 1996: Albrecht Dürer Society, The Nuremberg Art Association, Nuremberg
  • 1995: Gilles Peyroulet Gallery, Paris
  • 1993: Martina Detterer Gallery, Frankfurt a. M.
  • 1990: Forum Sparkasse, Frankfurt a. M.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. SCHWENK, p. 14 (further information under literature)