Road administration

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The road administration (also called road construction administration ) comprises the totality of all authorities of a state , which on behalf of a government carry out the financing and planning as well as the construction , operation and maintenance of public roads and paths.

Road administrations of individual states


At the head of the German road administration is the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI) with the road construction department. The office is located in Bonn and is divided into three sub-departments with the corresponding specialist and area departments. The Federal Highway Research Institute is directly subordinate as a technical and scientific research institute.

Autobahn GmbH was founded in 2018 as part of an administrative reform . From January 2021, she will be responsible for the administration of the federal motorways . The previously existing order management of the federal highways by the road administrations of the federal states according to Art. 90 GG will be abandoned by this step. In this context, the Transport Infrastructure Financing Company (VIFG) was incorporated into Autobahn GmbH in 2019 .

The individual federal states, however, are still responsible for the administration of the federal highways and the state roads (referred to as state roads in the Free States of Bavaria and Saxony). The organization in the federal states is not regulated uniformly. At the top of the list in most federal states are the ministerial offices, which act as higher authorities. Subordinate to them are the central and subordinate authorities. In city-states and cities with more than 80,000 inhabitants, on the other hand, building authorities or offices take over the management of these roads.

The civil engineering offices and departments of the districts are responsible for the administration of the district roads if the tasks have not been transferred to the respective state road administration by agreement. Municipal roads are administered by the building authorities of the municipality and cities.


The highest level of the Austrian road administration is formed by the Federal Ministry for Climate Protection, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK) with the two groups of infrastructure procedures and traffic safety as well as road traffic and motor vehicles assigned to Section IV Traffic . As in Germany, this is followed by an administrative breakdown by street class .

The administration of the autobahns and expressways in Austria is taken over by the autobahn and expressways finance company (ASFINAG) and its subordinate subsidiaries. The road administrations of the individual federal states, on the other hand, are responsible for the state roads, which are usually organized on several levels. Municipal roads are administered by the municipalities and their building authorities themselves.


The Federal Department for the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communication (DETEC) is the head of the road administration in Switzerland. Subordinate to it is the Federal Roads Office FEDRO , which is responsible for the administration of the national highways. The canton roads are looked after by the state or civil engineering offices of the respective canton, and the associated municipal roads are administered at the municipal level.

Other states

Similar to Germany, Austria or Switzerland, the road administrations in many other countries are structured on several levels. Usually there is a ministry at the top. This is often followed by a central authority that manages the motorways or expressways. The other roads are then looked after regionally or communally.


  • Christian Lippold (ed.): The Elsner. Road and Transportation Handbook . Otto Elsner Verlagsgesellschaft, 2018, ISBN 978-3-87199-222-3 , page C / 153 ff.
  • Günter Wolf: Road planning . Werner Verlag, Munich 2005, ISBN 3-8041-5003-9 , pp. 5-6 .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ BMVI : Reform of the federal trunk road administration. Retrieved May 11, 2020 .