Ostrich trade

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Caricature: Mayor Conrad Melchior Hirzel pays Strauss, portrayed as a bird, who, ridden by the devil, tramples on the Bible.

The ostrich trade was a conflict over the appointment of the enlightened German theologian David Friedrich Strauss to the University of Zurich .

Strauss was to become a professor of dogmatics and church history in 1839 . Due to the concerted resistance of the population by orthodox pastors, in particular by the antist Johann Jakob Füssli , as well as by a faith committee under the presidency of Johann Jakob Hürlimann , he was retired before he took up his post.

The appointment of Strauss gave the conservatives the opportunity to overthrow the liberal government of the canton of Zurich in the Zurich coup of September 6, 1839 .

The Moser trade represents a parallel case to the ostrich trade - the expulsion of the deist cantonal school teacher Andreas Moser from Aarau on the eve of the Stecklikkrieg of 1802 .


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