Streaming production

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As streaming production refers to both the process of producing a streaming media -Angebots and the result of this production .


In principle, the requirements for the production of streaming video are similar to those for a television production , and the same for streaming audio as for a radio production ; Existing broadcast and sound studios can usually be expanded for streaming productions with little effort , provided they have already been converted to digital technology . However, the expensive studio technology is not absolutely necessary for today's demands on the quality of streaming offers.


Passes the audio signal via a telephone line in the broadcast center , a special hardware, called a telephone hybrid like the Magic ISDN of AVT are used for processing, the already diverse spread coding has built. These devices convert an incoming phone call into an audio signal suitable for the studio technology, which saves the streaming provider the configuration and maintenance of encoder PCs.

The digital audio or video signal is then converted into a streamable format in an encoder with a special streaming codec ; Commercially available computers with the common Windows , GNU / Linux or Mac OS operating systems can also be used here. The encoders require a software such as the Real Producer from RealNetworks , which the work of the encode it done.

The encoded file will be

The basic technique behind streaming is so simple that it can be done with basically any personal computer these days . However, the requirements increase disproportionately as soon as the complexity of the content to be streamed increases.

For example, if you have to transmit several dozen live streams in parallel, you need a whole encoder park; If the streams are to be delivered not only to a handful of participants but to a mass audience at the same time, even the most powerful ISPs will no longer have sufficient capacity. In this niche area of ​​professional streaming distribution , specialist providers such as Akamai have developed sophisticated solutions that are marketed at appropriate prices.

Production tools

See also