Spreadable fat

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General chemical structure of fats (R 1 , R 2 and R 3 are alkyl or alkenyl radicals with mostly an odd number of carbon atoms.)

Spreadable fats are used in food fats which are sold at room temperature already established, but still spreadable. Examples are butter or margarine or other vegetable fats . Chemically , spreadable fats are solid, plastic emulsions with fat as an essential component. All spreadable fats must be suitable for human consumption.

Soo. EG-Streichfett-VO

According to an earlier definition of the European Commission , spreadable fats are "products with a fat content of at least 10% and a maximum of 90% by weight, which remain solid at a temperature of 20  ° C. " According to this regulation , "the terms 'butter' and 'margarine' only used for products with a fat content of at least 80% " . This should protect the consumer from possible confusion between butter, margarine and other spreadable fats with a different fat content (e.g. minarine ). The EC or EEC regulation VO (EG) 2991/94 divided spreadable fats into the following three groups:

  • Milk fats

These are made exclusively from milk or certain dairy products. The products have the sales designations butter , three-quarter fat butter , semi-fat butter and milk spread .

  • Fats

These are obtained from solid or liquid vegetable fats or animal fats ( animal fat ). They contain a maximum of 3% milk fat . The products bear the sales descriptions margarine , three-quarter-fat margarine , low-fat margarine , fat spread . Fats designated as vegetable may contain a maximum of 2% fat of animal origin.

  • Mixed fats

These are made from solid or liquid vegetable or animal products, i.e. mixtures of these. The milk fat content of mixed fats may be between 10% and 80% of the total fat content.

EU marketing standards

For the EU internal market , the requirements for agricultural products intended for human consumption that remain spreadable at 20 degrees Celsius with a mass fraction of 10% to less than 90% milk fats , fats or mixed vegetable and / or animal fats, i.e. spreadable fats in this sense defined as binding since 2007. Supplementary national regulations on quality requirements are permitted in the EU member states, so that, for example, the definitions for German branded butter according to the Butter Ordinance are retained.

Milk fats

This group consists of products in the form of a solid, plastic emulsion, predominantly of the water-in-oil type, consisting exclusively of milk and / or certain milk products with fat as an essential component of their value. Other substances necessary for their production may also be added to them, provided these substances are not intended to replace a milk component in whole or in part. This group includes food that may only be marketed under the name butter if it has a milk fat content of at least 80% and less than 90%, a maximum water content of 16% and a maximum non-fat milk solids content of 2% having. Milk fats with a certain lower fat content are defined there as three-quarter fat butter , half-fat butter or milk fat X% . With a milk fat content of no more than 62%, they can be described as reduced-fat or light since 2016 (in addition or in the case of three-quarter-fat or half-fat butter only) .


This group also includes products in the form of a solid, plastic emulsion that are obtained from solid and / or liquid vegetable and / or animal fats, are suitable for human consumption and whose milk fat content in the end product does not exceed 3% of the fat content. These include margarine , three-quarter or half-fat margarine and spreadable fat X%.

Mixed fats

This group forms the corresponding emulsions that are obtained from solid and / or liquid vegetable and / or animal fats, are suitable for human consumption and whose milk fat content in the end product is between 10% and 80% of the fat content. The sales names (three-quarter / half fat) mixed fat or mixed spread fat are defined accordingly.

Web links

Wiktionary: Streichfett  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations

Individual evidence

  1. Art. 75 Paragraph 1, Art. 78 Paragraph 1 f) with Annex VII Part VII of Regulation (EC) No. 1308/2013 . Almost identical before 2014: Art. 115 Council Regulation (EC) No. 1234/2007 of October 22, 2007 on a common organization of agricultural markets and with special provisions for certain agricultural products ( Regulation on the uniform CMO) with Annex XV, in which Heading the term first appeared.
  2. Part IV of Annex XV to Regulation (EC) No. 1234/2007
  3. Part A No. 1 of Annex II to Part VII of Annex VII to Regulation (EC) No. 1308/2013. Before 2014 also: Part A no. 1 of the annex to Annex XV to EC (Regulation) No. 1234/2007
  4. Part B of the Annex to Annex XV to Regulation (EC) No. 1234/2007
  5. Part C of the Annex to Annex XV to Regulation (EC) No. 1234/2007