Stygnocoris sabulosus

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Stygnocoris sabulosus
Stygnocoris sabulosus

Stygnocoris sabulosus

Subordination : Bed bugs (heteroptera)
Family : Rhyparochromidae
Subfamily : Rhyparochrominae
Tribe : Stygnocorini
Genre : Stygnocoris
Type : Stygnocoris sabulosus
Scientific name
Stygnocoris sabulosus
( Schilling , 1829)

Stygnocoris sabulosus is a bug fromthe Rhyparochromidae family .


The bugs are 2.4 to 3.2 millimeters long. Representatives of the genus Stygnocoris can be recognized by the fine hairs on the pronotum and the hemielytras . The pronotum is completely punctured and the thighs ( femora ) of the front legs do not have spurs. Stygnocoris sabulosus can be distinguished from the similar Stygnocoris fuligineus by its glossy dorsal side , the long, upright plumage and the completely pale legs. It also bears a resemblance to Lasiosomus enervis . This species also has pale fuzz, but its front half of the pronotum is not dotted and the rows of points on the corium of the hemielytras have larger spaces between the points. The animals always have fully developed (macroptere) wings.

distribution and habitat

The species is distributed from North Africa and Europe, with the exception of the far north, east to Siberia and through Central Asia to Japan. It was probably introduced in North America. The species is widespread in Germany and is the most common type of the genus there. However, it is more common in the north than in the south. It is common in Austria, but less common than Stygnocoris rusticus . It occurs in the Alps as far as subalpine locations. It is common and common in the UK. Particularly open to slightly shaded habitats are populated, regardless of the degree of humidity. But they are mainly found on sandy and chalky soils.

Way of life

The animals feed on the seeds of many different herbaceous plants and grasses, are especially to the heather ( Calluna vulgaris adjusted). The adults climb on the plants in September and October and suckle on the ripening seeds, in October and November they suckle on seeds that have fallen on the ground. Mating does not take place until August and September, the eggs are deposited in the litter from September through January . The overwintering takes place in the egg, only single adults, especially females, survive the winters and then appear from March and April. But then you can only lay a few eggs or no eggs at all. From May the nymphs of the overwintering eggs hatch. They molt into adults from the second half of July.

supporting documents

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Wachmann: Wanzen , vol. 3, p. 170ff
  2. a b Stygnocoris sabulosus. British Bugs, accessed June 22, 2014 .


  • Ekkehard Wachmann , Albert Melber, Jürgen Deckert: Bugs. Volume 3: Pentatomomorpha I: Aradoidea (bark bugs), Lygaeoidea (ground bugs, etc.), Pyrrhocoroidea (fire bugs) and Coreoidea (edge ​​bugs, etc.). (=  The animal world of Germany and the adjacent parts of the sea according to their characteristics and their way of life . 78th part). Goecke & Evers, Keltern 2007, ISBN 978-3-937783-29-1 .

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