Su Niu de su Crobu

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Chamber of the Giant Tomb of Su Niu de su Crobu

The giant tomb of Su Niu de su Crobu is located on a rocky hill near the sea in Sa Corona de su Crabì, about 12 km southwest of Sant'Antioco on the island of Sant'Antioco in the province of Sud Sardegna in Sardinia . The buildings called in Sardu "Tumbas de sos zigantes" and Italian (plur.) "Tombe dei Giganti" are the largest pre- Nuragic cults in Sardinia and are among the latest megalithic structures in Europe . The 321 known giant tombs are monuments of the Bronze Age Bonnanaro culture (approx. 2200–1600 BC), the precursor culture of the Nuragic culture .

Type sequence

Structurally, giant tombs appear in two variants. The systems with portal steles and exedra belong to the older northern Sardinian type. In later systems, the exedra consists of a rectangular façade made of processed and layered stone blocks instead of monolithic steles . The giant grave of Su Niu de su Crobu is a younger type of complex (with a square facade).


The damaged giant grave essentially still consists of an apsidal chamber a little over 10 meters long and an average width of 1.2 meters. The stones that make up the chamber are hardly worked and are arranged in irregular rows. The east-facing entrance was before the removal of the door lintel by vandalism (now fixed) trapezoid and connected the chamber with the area delimited by the exedra . This also consists of roughly hewn stones and is about 15 meters wide.

In the area in front of the entrance, a fragment of a tooth frieze was discovered among material that was piled up during a robbery excavation in 1977 , which probably crowned the exedra. The excavations around the entrance revealed fragments of eleven horn-shaped tufa elements, a hemispherical bowl with a flat bottom and a small pot. The burial was dated to the Middle Bronze Age (1600-1300 BC).

About a kilometer away are the nuraghe and the holy well of Grutti 'e Acqua.

See also


  • Giovanni Lilliu: Betili e betilini nelle tombe di giganti della Sardegna. Accademia nazionale dei Lincei, Rome 1995, ISBN 88-218-0499-2 ( Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Storiche e Filologiche: Memorie Ser. 9, Vol. 6, Fasc. 4).
  • Vincenzo Santoni: Il segno del potere ("The signs of power"). In: Dino Sanna (Ed.): Nur. La misteriosa civiltà dei Sardi. Cariplo - Cassa di risparmio delle provincie lombarde, Milan 1980, pp. 141-180.

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Coordinates: 38 ° 59 ′ 10.6 ″  N , 8 ° 24 ′ 1.8 ″  E