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Сугой, Буксунда (Buksunda)
Catchment area of ​​the Kolyma and course of the Sugoi (Сугой)

Catchment area of ​​the Kolyma and course of the Sugoi (Сугой)

Water code RU19010100312119000021552
location Magadan Oblast ( Russia )
River system Kolyma
Drain over Kolyma  → Arctic Ocean
source in the Kolyma Mountains
62 ° 13 ′ 7 ″  N , 156 ° 15 ′ 51 ″  E
muzzle in the Kolyma coordinates: 64 ° 15 '8 "  N , 154 ° 29' 28"  E 64 ° 15 '8 "  N , 154 ° 29' 28"  E

length 347 km
Catchment area 26,100 km²
Discharge at the gauge 3.2 km below the Omtschiktschan mouth
A Eo : 5880 km²
Location: 289 km above the mouth
MQ 1941/1988
Mq 1941/1988
56 m³ / s
9.5 l / (s km²)

The 347 km long Sugoi ( Russian Сугой ; also Sugoj , Sugoy ) is a right tributary of the Kolyma in eastern Siberia .

In the upper reaches it also bears the name Buksunda (Буксунда). The Sugoi rises in the Kolyma Mountains and then flows through a wide depression in which it forms a multitude of arms. The river flows through the Russian Magadan Oblast along its entire length . The catchment area covers 26,100 km². The mean monthly water flow in the middle course near Sugoi (289 km above the estuary) is 56.1 m³ / s (minimum in April: 0.73 m³ / s, maximum in June: 283 m³ / s). The Sugoi freezes from October to the end of May / beginning of June, whereby in some winters it freezes to the ground for up to two months. There are coal deposits in the Sugoi catchment area .

Individual evidence

  1. a b Sugoi in the State Water Directory of the Russian Federation (Russian)
  2. a b Article Sugoi in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia (BSE) , 3rd edition 1969–1978 (Russian)http: //vorlage_gse.test/1%3D107313~2a%3D~2b%3DSugoi
  3. Sugoi at the gauge 3.2 km below the Omtschiktschan estuary - hydrographic data from R-ArcticNET