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SuperAargau is a film archive and film education project that the Aargau State Archives realized in cooperation with the Stapferhaus Lenzburg in 2003 on the occasion of the “200 years of Canton Aargau ” anniversary year .

In November 2002, the Stapferhaus Lenzburg, in cooperation with the Aargau State Archives, launched a broad media appeal to the Aargau population to report their private film treasures. In this way, private films came together that provide diverse insights into everyday life in Aargau in the 20th century.

The oldest films are from 1928, by the Aarau doctor Eduard Jenny. It shows pictures from his everyday life as the head of the children's hospital he founded, but also pictures from social urban life. Another historical document are the films by former National Councilor Karl Steiner and Adolf Huber, who captured rural life in Oberkulm in the 1930s with the camera. But more recent films have also proven to be extremely exciting testimonies: They range from ice-skating on the frozen Hallwilersee at Seegfrörni in 1963 to the opening of the motorway bridge restaurant in Würenlos in 1974 to the portrait of the last Wohler straw hat maker from 1991.

As part of the project, 200 films or film sequences from various cine film formats were transferred to DVCAM and Beta SP . The selection made takes into account the largest possible time span, regional coverage and thematic diversity. The footage was added to the public collection of the State Archives and recorded in the archive database. It can be used for academic work and cultural education projects. The State Archives are gradually expanding the collection by continuing to register reports on narrow film holdings and including selected films in the collection.

A small selection of the archived material was assembled into a 90-minute film under the artistic direction of the Stapferhaus and directed by Michael Schaerer and Marcel Derek Ramsay and successfully sent on tour in the anniversary year. Between April and October 2003, SuperAargau made over 80 guest appearances in Aargau and also in Zurich , Bern and Berlin . The compilation was also released on DVD .


  • Stapferhaus Lenzburg (Ed.): SuperAargau. Private films from everyday life in Aargau in the 20th century (DVD and teaching aid for teachers). AT-Verlag, Aarau 2003, ISBN 3-85502-984-9 .