Sven Linderot

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Sven Linderot (1955)

Sven Harald Linderot (actually Larsson ; born October 8, 1889 in Skedevi , Östergötland County , † April 7, 1956 in Stockholm ) was a Swedish communist politician . He was chairman of the Communist Party of Sweden from 1929 to 1951 .


After attending elementary school in Hävla and Rejmyre , Linderot worked from 1900 to 1912 as a glass blower in Rejmyre and Nynäshamm . From 1912 to 1914 he was a sales representative for sewing machines , and in 1915 he was secretary of the trade union of trade employees (Handelsanställdas förbund) in Stockholm . From 1916 to 1918 he was secretary of the Social Democratic Youth Association ( Socialdemokratiska Ungdomsförbundet , SDUF).

From 1908 to 1917 Linderot was a member of the Swedish Social Democratic Workers' Party ( Sveriges socialdemokratiska arbetareparti , SAP), to whose left wing he belonged. In May 1917 he founded with others the Social Democratic Left Party of Sweden ( Sveriges socialdemokratiska vänsterparti , SSVP), which was renamed the Communist Party of Sweden ( Sveriges kommunistiska parti , SKP) in 1921. In 1920/21 Linderot visited Siberia and Turkestan with the Swedish Aid Committee for Prisoners of War in Siberia founded by Elsa Brändström . In 1923 he became a member of the editorial board of the newspaper Norrskensflamman (Eng. "The Flame of the Northern Lights") in Luleå , from 1925 to 1927 he was its editor-in-chief. Between 1927 and 1929 and after 1951 Linderot was secretary of the SKP Central Committee for trade unions, among other things . From December 1929 to March 1951, Linderot was finally chairman of the SKP.

At the VII World Congress of the Comintern (1935) Linderot was elected a member of the EKKI and a substitute member of the Executive Committee of the EKKI.

From 1938 to 1949 Linderot was a member of the First Chamber of the Reichstag and chairman of the communist parliamentary group (1945-1949).


  • Vänstersocialismen och den fackliga kamp (Left socialism and the union struggle). Stockholm 1917.
  • Mondism eller klasskamp? Facklig borgfred eller proletarian unit front mot kapitalets offensive? ( Mondism or class struggle? Union truce or proletarian united front against the offensive of capital?). Stockholm 1928.
  • Grundskott mot Demokratin (death knell against democracy). Stockholm 1941.
  • I kamp för fred och frihet (In the fight for peace and freedom). Stockholm 1941.
  • Mellan världsklern: bidrag till Sveriges kommunistiska partis historia (Between the World Wars. A Contribution to the History of the Communist Party of Sweden). Stockholm 1942.
  • Bondefrågan i Sverige (The peasant question in Sweden). Stockholm 1943.
  • Bönder och arbetare (peasants and workers). Stockholm 1943.
  • Communist's day program . Stockholm 1944.
  • Kommunisterna och kristendomen (communists and Christianity). Stockholm 1947.
  • Svensk arbetarrörelse i brytningstid. Tal och skrifter i urval (Swedish labor movement in the transition period. Selected speeches and writings). Stockholm 1949.
