Sveti Vid

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Sveti Vid is a common name in Dalmatia for places and mountains. It means Saint Vitus or Saint Veit (cf. Vid ).

Since the settlement of the Croats in the 7th century and the fighting against the Franks , numerous settlements were founded under this name over the next centuries , also on the offshore islands.

Some of St. Vitus are for example:

  • In Rijeka (Reka, Rika) Svetog Vida from the 7th-8th century
  • From the 13th century "on the layers of the past" a new settlement Reka Svetog Vida ( Sveti Vid na Rječini , St. Vitus on Flaum , today Rijeka), a city with gates, towers, streets, trade.
  • On the island of Pag the highest peak Sveti Vid ( 348  m. I. Year )
  • On Krk the village Sveti Vid Dobrinjski (1 km east of Dobrinj ) with an early Romanesque church, a foundation of the famous Dragoslav from 1100, as well as a district of Malinska
  • The Vidova Gora on Brač , at 778 m, the highest point in the Adriatic

See also

  • Vitus Church, to the churches of the name