Sybille Grosse

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Sybille Große (* 1965 in Berlin ) is a German Romanist .


After graduating from high school in Berlin-Friedrichshain in 1983, she studied Romance languages ​​and adult education at the University of Leipzig from 1983 to 1987 . After completing her doctorate in 1990 at the University of Leipzig (morphosyntactic studies of Brazilian Portuguese based on selected language structures in modern journalistic magazine texts and literary texts - compared to European Portuguese), she was a research assistant at the Institute for Romance Studies at the University of Potsdam from 1991 to 2008 . In 1992 she was a post-doc in France ( Rouen / Paris ) with a DAAD scholarship . After her habilitation in 2009 at the Philosophical Faculty of the University of Potsdam (Les manuels épistolographiques français entre traditions et normes: étude historique XVIe - XXIe siècle) and the Venia Legendi in Romance Philology, she was appointed to the W3 professorship for translation studies in November 2010 ( French) at Heidelberg University . From October 2008 to March 2011 she represented the W3 professorship in Spanish, Hispanic-American, Portuguese and Brazilian Linguistics at the Institute for Romance Studies at the University of Leipzig. In March 2011, she turned down the W3 professorship in Spanish, Hispanic-American, Portuguese and Brazilian Linguistics at the Institute for Romance Studies at the University of Leipzig. Since September 2011 she has held the W3 professorship for Romance Linguistics at Heidelberg University .

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