Sylvius Freiherr von Hohenhausen

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Sylvius Freiherr von Hohenhausen (born March 10,  1743 in Lobedau , Silesia , † March 30, 1822 in Herford ) was a Prussian tax and war council .


Sylvius Freiherr von Hohenhausen was born on March 10, 1743 as the son of the Catholic court judge, chief of the episcopal chamber in Neisse and heir to Seifferdau Sylvius Christian von Hohenhausen (1704–1778). After attending a Jesuit seminary , he was sent to the Berlin Cadet Corps on behalf of the king in 1756 . In the same year he became a cadet, then a sergeant and then, in 1760, was promoted to officer in the infantry regiment of Lossow (later von Buddenbrock). As a military man he was taken prisoner for two years in Russia, but he said he was able to use this time for studies. Sylvius Freiherr von Hohenhausen claims to have dealt with the camera subject several times, especially with trade and commerce, and at times studied philosophy, military mathematics, style and fine sciences at the University of Königsberg .

Due to his injuries, Sylvius Freiherr von Hohenhausen was already scheduled for community service at the age of 21. He was denied a council office because of his denomination. In 1771 he passed his Rigorosum in the presence of the Minister von der Schulenburg-Kehnert and was promoted to the tax council in Herford in the late summer of 1771. From 1782/83 he also managed the Pepinière of the East Frisian department. After failed attempts to become President of the Chamber in South Prussia, East Friesland or Minden-Ravensberg, von Hohenhausen advanced to tax inspector in the Fulda department of the Kingdom of Westphalia in January 1809 . He died in 1822 as a retired councilor.


In 1770 Sylvius Freiherr von Hohenhausen entered a Masonic lodge .

In early 1772 he got into a fight with Lieutenant Hanfstaengel from the Petersdorff regiment and was temporarily arrested. The Minden War and Domain Chamber was therefore commissioned to supervise him more closely. The list of conduits for 1800 states that von Hohenhausen was “vain, shallow, puffed up”.


  • Rolf Straubel : Biographical manual of the Prussian administrative and judicial officials 1740–1806 / 15 . K.-G. Saur, Munich 2009, ISBN 978-3-598-23229-9 . Volume 1, pp. 434f.