Tada Mitsuyori

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Tada Mitsuyori ( Japanese 多 田 満 頼 ; * 1501 ; † 1563 ) was a Samurai of the Dengoku period in the service of the Takeda (clan) . He is known as one of the 24 generals . He comes from the province of Mino . His first employer was Takeda Nobutora , then his son Takeda Shingen . We know that he fought under Shingen in over 29 battles, such as the Battle of Sezawa (1542) and the Siege of Uehara (1542). He was very talented in maneuvers in the dark, which he was able to take advantage of in Sezawa. In 1563 he succumbed to an illness.


  • Turnbull, Stephen (1998). The Samurai Sourcebook . London: Cassell & Co.

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