Tadeusz Kępka

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Tadeusz Kępka (born March 27, 1932 in Warsaw , Poland ; † February 18, 2018 in Mexico City ) was a Polish long-distance runner and long-time coach of long-distance runners in Mexico .


During a career as a long distance runner, Kępka Sport studied at the Sports University in Warsaw , specialized in medium and long distance running and worked as a youth coach in Warsaw. As part of an exchange program initiated by Tomasz Lempart (the Polish teams were accommodated and fed free of charge at the pre-Olympic Games 1964–1967, Mexico received qualified coaches for pocket money), Kępka was also ready to go to Mexico for 30 months in 1966 - he stayed for the rest of his life. After a short time, his long distance runners were more successful than those of the neighboring USA. In his training he was based on the Polish tradition, concentrated the best long distance athletes in Mexico City , carried out systematic altitude training , had a careful periodization of the athletic training . The greatest successes of his athletes were:

For his services he was awarded the Knight's Cross of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Poland . He was married to a Mexican and was considered a "Pole by birth - Mexican with a heart."

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Tadeusz Kepka, el hombre que llevó a correr a México. In: excelsior.com.mx. February 19, 2018, accessed May 23, 2018 (Spanish).
  2. http://www.fmaa.mx ver_noticia.php? Id_noticia = 729
  3. http://www.excelsior.com.mx/adrenalina/2014/03/13/948459
  4. Arnd Krüger : Many roads lead to Olympia. The changes in training systems for medium and long distance runners (1850–1997) . In: N. Gissel (Hrsg.): Sporting performance in change . Czwalina, Hamburg 1998, pp. 41-56.
  5. http://www.pitlane.mx/otrosdeportes/premian-al-entrenador-tadeusz-kepka/ on . 4th February 2017
  6. http://www.jornada.unam.mx/2005/06/22/index.php?section=deportes&article=a23n1dep auf. 4th February 2017
  7. https://es-es.facebook.com/notes/tutiempo-atiempo/tadeusz-kepka-polaco-de-nacimiento-mexicano-de-corazon/831033480314346/ auf. 4th February 2017