Wataru Takeshita

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Wataru Takeshita (2014)

Wataru Takeshita ( Japanese 竹 下 亘 , Takeshita Wataru ; born November 3, 1946 in Kakeya (today: Unnan ), Shimane Prefecture ) is a Japanese politician of the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), member of the Shūgiin , the lower house of the national parliament, for the Shimane constituency 2 and former Minister of Reconstruction . Within the LDP he leads the Takeshita faction .

Takeshita, the younger (half) brother of the Shūgiin MP and former Prime Minister Noboru Takeshita , attended the associated high school of the Keiō University and then studied at the local economics faculty. He then worked as a business commentator for the public broadcaster NHK , and later as his brother's secretary.

For the Shūgiin election 2000 Noboru Takeshita announced his retirement from politics (and died a few days before the election), Wataru Takeshita took over the constituency Shimane 2, which he won sovereignly and then defended six times in a row. In the LDP, he joined his brother's former faction. During the 3rd Koizumi cabinet he was Parliamentary State Secretary ( daijin seimukan ) in the Ministry of the Environment , from 2008 to 2009 - during the Fukuda and Asō cabinets - then State Secretary ( fukudaijin ) in the Ministry of Finance .

In September 2014, Shinzō Abe Takeshita appointed Abe Minister of Reconstruction in a cabinet reshuffle of the second cabinet . During the first reshuffle of the third cabinet , he was replaced by Tsuyoshi Takagi . Like Prime Minister Abe and other cabinet and LDP party members, Takeshita is close to Nippon Kaigi , who is considered revisionist .

Since August 3, 2017, he has been the chairman of the LDP Executive Council and thus holds one of the “ three party offices ”. In April 2018, after Fukushirō Nukaga's resignation, he took over the chairmanship of Heisei Kenkyūkai , the third largest faction in the LDP. In October 2018, Abe replaced him as chairman of the LDP Executive Council with Katsunobu Katō .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. http://koreajoongangdaily.joins.com/news/article/article.aspx?aid=2994558
  2. 「竹 下 派」 が 発 足 額 賀 氏 か ら 亘 氏 に 会長 交代 . In: Nihon Keizai Shimbun . April 19, 2018. Retrieved April 29, 2018 (Japanese).