České Údolí dam

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České Údolí dam
View from the railway near Valcha over the reservoir
View from the railway near Valcha over the reservoir
Tributaries: Radbuza , Luční potok , Litický potok
Drain: Radbuza
Larger places on the shore: Pilsen
Dam České Údolí (Czech Republic)
České Údolí dam
Coordinates 49 ° 43 '3 "  N , 13 ° 21' 36"  E Coordinates: 49 ° 43 '3 "  N , 13 ° 21' 36"  E
Data on the structure
Lock type: Earthfill dam with concrete seal on the water side
Construction time: 1969-1972
Height above valley floor: 9.2 m
Height above foundation level : 12.6 m
Height above the river bed : 7.6 m
Height of the structure crown: 315.85  m nm
Crown length: 106 m
Crown width: 14 m
Operator: Povodí Vltavy sp
Data on the reservoir
Water surface 1.515 km²
Total storage space : 5 275 000  m³
Catchment area 1 262.1  km²
Design flood : 278 m³ / s

The dam České Údolí , also dam Bory or dam Litice (Czech Vodní nádrž České Údolí , also Borská přehrada or Litická přehrada ) is a dam on the Radbuza in the Czech Republic . It is located three and a half kilometers southwest of the city center of Pilsen in the Plzeň 3 district. Despite the poor water quality of its tributaries, the reservoir was created for recreational purposes and is surrounded by holiday resorts; after 1989 all public bathing areas were closed.


The dam is located south of the Bory prison and southeast of the University of West Bohemia in the area of ​​the Valcha district. The storage space extends for around four and a half kilometers to Litice to the west and south; it covers the greater part of the České údolí ( Bohemian Valley ), a meandering curb valley of the Radbuza on the southern outskirts of Pilsen. The surrounding districts are Bory in the north, Doudlevce in the north-east, Výsluní, Litická Přehrada and Vinice in the east, Litice, Lhota and Černý Most in the south, Valcha in the south-west and Nová Hospoda in the north-west. The road I / 27 / European route 53 runs east of the reservoir between Pilsen and Klatovy . The Železná Ruda – Plzeň railway runs along its left bank . The Litice castle ruins are located at the southern end of the reservoir.


The first plans to build a dam in České údolí were made in 1959. Between 1969 and 1972, there was an old road bridge over the Radbuza between the Bory prison and the Chlum hill ( Schmalzberg , 362 mnm) on the southwestern outskirts of Pilsen, where the former alum huts were found the construction of a dam. It was conceived as a recreation area for the working people of the industrial city, although the Radbuza was the most polluted river in the city and the sewage from the Škoda rubbish dump near Sulkov was flushed into the Luční potok . Subsequently, numerous holiday settlements were built around the reservoir. Road I / 27 between Pilsen and Klatovy ran over the dam . Below the reservoir, the Úhlava flows into the Radbuza.

After the Velvet Revolution , the status of the České Údolí reservoir as a bathing water was revoked and all public bathing beaches were closed. Despite the improvement in the water quality of the Radbuza, no public bathing area has been reopened at the reservoir. The operator Povodí Vltavy late still advises against swimming in the reservoir.

With the expansion of the road I / 27 as a feeder road to the D 5 motorway, a road bridge was inaugurated east of the dam in 2004, so that the road leading over the dam crest to the local connection between Bory and Litice was downgraded.

The only current use is for flood retention.


The 9.2 m high and 160 m long arched earth embankment with a concrete seal on the water side is equipped with two bottom outlets with a maximum capacity of 34.90 m³ / s and two safety overflows with a capacity of 587 m³ / s.

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